
Gems11-7-13_Relationship with Money

Can We Have A Relationship With Money?

This is a Gem from a conversation between Nicholeen and millionaire Jerry Norton. Jerry Norton said “Having money does not make you greedy or bad. It makes you more of what you already are. So if you’re a giving sharing person, it will make you more giving and sharing. If you’re greedy it will make you more greedy. Money just makes you more of what you already are.”

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Having a Moral Family Government

Read Nicholeen’s exclusive article for TSG Gems on creating stable moral government in your home. She says, “There are many things that are attacking the morals in our families these days. In fact, along with distraction, the attack on family values and morals is the biggest problem our society is facing right now. Society is becoming more and more vulnerable to these attacks because the families are not fortifying themselves against the attacks.

If families have solid beliefs/morals and create family cultures where those morals and beliefs are nurtured, then the family cannot be manipulated by the latest social trends. The family standard is a document that helps morally direct the family’s decisions. This document is drafted by mom and dad with the help of God’s natural laws so that it consists of actual morals and principles that will protect and free the family.”

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Aponte Video Gem PIC, Recognizing the power struggle

Video Gem: Recognizing Power Struggles

Do you have a hard time recognizing a power struggle?
This week’s Video Gem is on recognizing power struggles so we can stop them without getting sucked into them. I heard a description a while ago that a power struggle is like a tornado and it wants to suck you in and leave behind destruction in it’s path.
In this video we see Jackie (Mom) answering questions about Jackie’s (daughter) concerns. Then after Nicholeen helps her to see the power struggle, she begins to discuss and address the behavior that is causing the problem. We need to stop the power struggles before. like a tornado, they destroy your family relationships .

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What is the very most effective thing you can do as a parent?

Don’t you just wish you could do the most effective things as a parent and avoid bad behavior all together?

I love this class because it focuses on the idea that “Good = Good”. Nicholeen talks about how we need to correct bad behavior to teach our children through cause and effect to show them bad = bad. It is easier to look at the bad. It is harder to focus on the good. I think of praise as the work we do to swim upstream in the river of life, while the reactive things we do floats us down the river of life in the path of least resistance.

This Gem features Nicholeen reading and discussing a delightful book called “Hip, Hip, Hooray for Annie McRae” by Brad Wilcox. As one of the 8 Tips of Effective praise, Nicholeen talks about praising and really listening.

What is the very most effective thing you can do as a parent? Read More »


What is the vision of your character?

My favorite quote from this Gem is this:

“We need to start by forming a vision of what we want our characters to be, and our children need to have the opportunity to form that vision about themselves as well. And then they need to learn how to act. This is done by modeling. If we have a vision of what our character is going to be [then they will have a vision of what they want their characters to be.]”

What is the vision of your character? Read More »


What Does A Changed Heart Look Like?

No matter where teenagers are, they often behave similarly. So, even though I don’t know each teenager personally, I do know how to help them decide to change. And, after teaching for a month in the UK I see even more clearly that teenagers all over the world have the same needs.

  • Teens need:
  • Love from parents
  • Boundaries
  • Rules and skills
  • A vision of something better
  • A plan for success, and
  • A consistent parent who is willing to correct them, even when the teen isn’t happy about the consequences.

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The Reason Self-Government Matters To People

Some people may have never heard the term self-government. Others may not really see why they should care about the term at all. Lots of the those people are children.

Why should a person care about about learning self-government principles and skills? Simple. If a person is able to self-govern then that person has more happiness and more freedom.

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Heart vs

Becoming Free Through Self-Government

This is my favorite quote from Nicholeen on this Gem:

“What we’re talking about today is freedom for yourselves: freedom for your body, freedom for your mind, and freedom for your heart. Those are the 3 parts of a soul. They are meant to work together, not against each other. When a person learns to put all together working in harmony, that person has extreme happiness. Self-government is power.”

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Gem: Seeing Eye To Eye

All of us know that we need to seek to understand because of so many great books of wisdom that have been printed in the past. We may even want to understand. Eventually our heart leads us to come to a place where we ask “How do I really understand their heart when we see things so differently?”

Seeking to understand is truly the journey from selfish to sacrifice. Obviously the expanse cannot be traveled in one day. There is, however, one thing each of us can do today to take one step forward in this direction…

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Happy Sala Family

What If? —A Great Game For A Hilarious Family Activity!

“What if the Revolutionary War never happened?” “Then cows would sing at baseball games.” or “What if sausage was a health food?” “Then everyone would wear red shoes on Wednesdays.” What? Does any of this make sense to you? That’s the whole point. This hilarious game was taught to me this last week by my

What If? —A Great Game For A Hilarious Family Activity! Read More »

Gem, The Window Principle

The window plays a very key role in your relationship. The window absorbs all the negative emotion coming from the other side and keeps it from getting through to you. As you see the other person from your side of the window, you are able to send back love for hate. You can see them in a way that allows you to love them and allows them to change because you are not judging them. If you got angry or reacted to the negative they sent out, it could cause them to drive deeper into their negative behavior.

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Gem 7-31-13 Video on How To Help Back Talking and Attitude Problems

Now that I have learned about Teaching Self-Government, I am learning how to stop myself from starting power struggles by first recognizing them and then using the 4 Keys of Self-Government to stop them. It is a continual refinement process and I’m still working every day to use my self-government to step back, and stay calm. The first half of self-government is to stop yourself from doing what you don’t want to do. The second half is using assertive action to make yourself do what you need to do to get the results that you really want.

Gem 7-31-13 Video on How To Help Back Talking and Attitude Problems Read More »

