
Home Power – The Solution to Social Ills

by Nicholeen Peck Society, with all its innovations and intricacies, has lost the vision of home power. With social and political upheaval happening around the globe, parents wonder how to raise up a new generation of people who can set things straight, get society back on track toward goodness, diplomacy, truth, and healthy problem solving.

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“I’m Sorry” Shows A Lot

by Nicholeen Peck   In the past week, I’ve received multiple apology texts from friends related to a variety of topics. Two apology texts stick out to me more than the others. One apology was clearly for social posturing. The person was sending it because they knew that they looked bad to others and didn’t

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Marriage, Motherhood, and the Destructive Intersectional Lens

by Nicholeen Peck   This year at the Commission on the Status of Women [CSW], at the United Nations , the topic of discussion was finding solutions for global poverty. While some of the family and motherhood organizations came up with good solutions for teaching entrepreneurialism, networking, and developing life skills through training programs and

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Correcting Behavior Vs Understanding Personality

by Nicholeen Peck   Discerning between when a child should be corrected and when a child’s personality should simply be understood can be difficult for many parents, because personalities and behaviors are different, but can sometimes seem similar. So what is the difference between personality and behavior, and how can parents prepare for meaningful interactions

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How To Talk To Your Kids | Bridging The Information Gap

by Nicholeen Peck Parents have to navigate some pretty tough topics in our modern world. These topics range from sibling rivalry and disconnection from parents to addictions, romance, drugs, spiritual skepticism, digital usage, and social dilemmas. Parents frequently ask me questions such as, “What should I say to my son about his girlfriend who is

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Punishment and Parental Authority

by Nicholeen Peck   Punishment is a topic that evokes much debate. In the Bible we are told that the Lord loves those whom He chastens, and that enduring chastening brings us closer to God (Hebrews 12). In Webster’s 1828 Dictionary the word chasten means “correct by punishment…to purify from errors or faults.” But, to

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Vital Focus For Improving Family Togetherness In A Disconnected World

by Nicholeen Peck Ironically, in an age when business communications and social networking are easier than ever due to technological advances and global platforms, families are struggling more than ever to feel connected as groups. When the problems facing families seem endless and intricate there is one principle that we must keep in mind. “Our

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Clara sitting calmly on stairs

Self-Regulation Skills for All Ages —Even Toddlers!

by Nicholeen Peck As parents, my husband and I hope that our children will succeed as parents. My daughter, Paije, has exceeded my parenting expectations with her little toddler daughter, Clara. The skills that Paije has taught Clara to help her do self-regulation and self-calming are good skills for 21-month-olds, however, these self-government skills that

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Podcast 124 – Meet the Mentors: Bryony Wilde “The Three C’s of Successful Parenting”

In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije begin a new mini series! Teaching Self-Government has so many amazing certified mentors and we wanted you to get to know them and learn from them. “Meet the Mentors” introduces Bryony Wilde, who shares about her experiences with families all over the globe and shares three key principles for successful parenting, no matter where you fall on the success scale. Listen in to learn from Bryony!

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Podcast 121 – Healing A House Divided

In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss what it looks like when a house is divided and, on the flip side, what a house united looks like and how to become one. Do your family members struggle knowing who they really are? Do they have a hard time doing what they know they should do over what they want to do? Listen in for great tips and advice for healing your home!

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Today’s Complexity Demands More Simplicity

by Nicholeen Peck “It’s harder for children nowadays with all of the technology and temptations and bad examples”, a mother said to me at a recent conference where I was speaking. We talked for a moment about the differences between her childhood and the childhood of her children. She was concerned. She felt lost and

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Mindset Makes or Breaks Family Bonds

“My daughter is so ungrateful! All I do is serve her, but she doesn’t care about me or what I feel. And, she never helps out, even when I ask nicely,” an exasperated mother told me about her teenage daughter. In a later conversation, Emily, the daughter said to me, “I never get anything my

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Where Love Is…

Love runs deeper than many people realize, and the outcomes of love are significant. We all recognize when we don’t feel loved or when we have a hard time feeling love for someone who isn’t behaving lovingly. But, what we don’t often recognize is that love isn’t something that can be turned on and off

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