
“I’m Sorry” Shows A Lot

by Nicholeen Peck   In the past week, I’ve received multiple apology texts from friends related to a variety of topics. Two apology texts stick out to me more than the others. One apology was clearly for social posturing. The person was sending it because they knew that they looked bad to others and didn’t

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Marriage, Motherhood, and the Destructive Intersectional Lens

by Nicholeen Peck   This year at the Commission on the Status of Women [CSW], at the United Nations , the topic of discussion was finding solutions for global poverty. While some of the family and motherhood organizations came up with good solutions for teaching entrepreneurialism, networking, and developing life skills through training programs and

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The Kindness Advantage

Choosing kindness strengthens relationships, increases resilience and promotes emotional non-fragility, helps us solve problems, and is a choice that leads to happiness. Many parents tell me that they hope for their child to develop kindness. Indeed, kindness is a characteristic that develops. It’s a word that describes actions that display love or respect for others.

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Great Homeschool Convention – Round Rock, Texas

(This event is not hosted by TSG. Nicholeen will be a featured speaker.) An “Individual” or “Family” registration to the 2022 Texas Great Homeschool Convention includes access to info-packed workshops, admission to browse & shop the HUGE homeschool curriculum exhibit hall, exclusive hotel discounts, admission to the Teen Track (for both teens and parents!), admission to Comedy Night with Andrew

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Hurting or Helping Children | The Battle For Hearts And Loyalties

Think of the voices that surround our children. Voices leading children to love money, God, family, power, popularity, prestige, entitlement, activism, intellectual achievement, personal worth, truth, pleasure-seeking, time wasting, productivity, industry, judgment, despair, and more.   It’s easy to see how some of these voices mislead and hurt a child’s potential. Yet, these voices oftentimes

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2020 Holistic Parenting Summit

(This is not a TSG Conference. Nicholeen will be a speaker at this event.) Join us online October 21-23, 2020, for a global gathering of world-leading holistic health, parenting, and psychology experts to help you raise more confident, healthy, and empowered kids in an ever-changing world. What is Holistic Parenting? A holistic approach to parenting

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Giving Your Family A Reason to Care About Family

Shut down doesn’t have to feel like shut down! Due to current restrictions caused by COVID-19, many families aren’t traveling as much as they normally do this time of year. Even local activities in many areas are still difficult to enjoy because of closures. But, that doesn’t mean we should stop having fun as a

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How to Thrive When You’re Trapped Inside

Trapped! That’s what many people feel like they are right now. Many children are complaining of being bored, or worse, having way too much screen time. Stress is infiltrating more homes globally by the day because businesses are closing their doors, people are losing their jobs, bills are still coming due, social distancing is making

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Choosing Calmness Amidst All the Stress

Why do we cater to our stresses and forget to choose calmness? After all, calmness is the only state where we truly feel safe and empowered. Stress, anger, and frustration never lead to true empowerment or peace, only emotional bondage. In 1998, when I was the young mother of a small baby and a toddler,and

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Carving Out More Family Quality Time in a Fast-Paced World

Creating quality, loving family relationships requires discerning between what actions are really quality and what actions are nothing more than conformity to social norms. Creating these quality relationships doesn’t require elaborate planning, just time. Strong family relationships are built upon many components, such as good communication, honesty, trust, love, forgiveness, bonding, listening, shared vision, and

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Quality, Quantity and Conformity: How Much Time Do Kids Really Need?

For years, sociologists, governments and parents have been trying to determine whether the amount of time a parent spends with their child actually matters for the child’s success in life. How are we to know what’s best for our children and our families? We don’t need charts or questionnaires; we just need to look around

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