Using TSG Skills

Comfort Zones | Why Kids Need Someone To Push Them

by Nicholeen Peck   “I’m scared” said two year old Clara when her uncle Porter was encouraging her to learn some swimming techniques while on a family trip. “You’re okay. I’m right here. You can do it.” Porter said. Clara fought the process a bit, but Porter wouldn’t be deterred. He knew that she was […]

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Correcting Behavior Vs Understanding Personality

by Nicholeen Peck   Discerning between when a child should be corrected and when a child’s personality should simply be understood can be difficult for many parents, because personalities and behaviors are different, but can sometimes seem similar. So what is the difference between personality and behavior, and how can parents prepare for meaningful interactions

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No More Standing on the Parenting Sidelines

by Nicholeen Peck Children sometimes say, “I wish my parents would stop getting involved in my life.” But is that what they really want? This idea of having total freedom without any oversight, teaching, or correction sounds very attractive to a child . However, when a person looks at the long-term effects on children who

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Increase Confidence by Telling Yourself “No”

by Nicholeen Peck   Many parents want their children to learn to take responsibility for themselves: to learn self-government. A self-governed person, no matter the age, will be able to show the following characteristics. They can: give themselves instructions, follow through on commitments, accept the consequences of life, talk openly with people, discuss a difference

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Clara sitting calmly on stairs

Self-Regulation Skills for All Ages —Even Toddlers!

by Nicholeen Peck As parents, my husband and I hope that our children will succeed as parents. My daughter, Paije, has exceeded my parenting expectations with her little toddler daughter, Clara. The skills that Paije has taught Clara to help her do self-regulation and self-calming are good skills for 21-month-olds, however, these self-government skills that

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Podcast 121 – Healing A House Divided

In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss what it looks like when a house is divided and, on the flip side, what a house united looks like and how to become one. Do your family members struggle knowing who they really are? Do they have a hard time doing what they know they should do over what they want to do? Listen in for great tips and advice for healing your home!

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Podcast 117 – Parenting On Your Own

In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss what to do when you’re wanting to implement Self-Government into your family, but you’re a single parent (or feel like you’re single parenting). Are you the only parent involved in your children’s lives right now? Are you struggling to get your spouse on board with a new parenting system? Whether you truly are on your own or just feel like you are, listen in for great insight and advice for how to skillfully navigate your situation!

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Mindset Makes or Breaks Family Bonds

“My daughter is so ungrateful! All I do is serve her, but she doesn’t care about me or what I feel. And, she never helps out, even when I ask nicely,” an exasperated mother told me about her teenage daughter. In a later conversation, Emily, the daughter said to me, “I never get anything my

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Where Love Is…

Love runs deeper than many people realize, and the outcomes of love are significant. We all recognize when we don’t feel loved or when we have a hard time feeling love for someone who isn’t behaving lovingly. But, what we don’t often recognize is that love isn’t something that can be turned on and off

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Practice Good Relationships This Christmas

It may seem trite and slightly overused to say it, but the old adage, “Make every day Christmas,” has more power than you might think. In fact, maybe, just maybe, the way to have life feel like Christmas every day is to truly live the spirit of Christmas in our relationships at Christmas time. Practicing

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Compassion Parenting Retreat

(This event is not hosted by TSG. Nicholeen will be a featured speaker.)  If you want to take a deeper dive into the art of parenting, this membership is for you. If you’ve been on a quest for “the right” approach to raising your kids, but are frustrated with the “tactic of the week” syndrome, this is for you. If you’re

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Parents Want To Rescue Their Youth From Confusion

Nearly every day parents ask me how to help their “wayward young adult” or how to heal the heart of their “disconnected teen.” Children displaying unnatural affection by disconnecting from loving parents is an epidemic in our modern society. Normal human development involves increasingly seeking for autonomy as a person launches into adulthood. However, turning

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7 Tips For Reducing Stress and Anxiety In Children

Families are concerned about their children who are struggling with stress and anxiety. Why are stress and anxiety so prevalent nowadays, and what can families do to help in loving ways? Understanding Stress and Anxiety Stress and anxiety are real feelings that many children suffer with daily. According to Georgetown University Health Policy Institute Center

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Two Ways To Guide Youth Toward Purposeful Living

An exasperated mother said to me, “My teenager doesn’t like to work hard. She expects everything in life to be easy. How do I teach her to like work?” “Do you like work?” I asked the mother. “Most people who don’t see value in work, or don’t like work, are taught somewhere along the way

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The Great Education Shake-Up

Skills Are The Most Underrated Aspect Of Success In Home Education Many start off homeschooling believing that success has to do with your curriculum choices, which couldn’t be more distant from the truth.  Curriculum is not a master, but a servant.  And far too often things get complicated as parents and their children become servants

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The Vocabulary Gap And Its Effect On Families

When people don’t speak the same language, it’s hard to understand each other. Likewise, when parents and children don’t speak the same language, then they can become disconnected because of lack of understanding. Understanding creates a feeling of respect and bonding in relationships and is a vital component to creating family unity and solving family

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4 Steps For Increasing Your Patience

Some people seem to be naturally patient, while others seem to struggle with increasing patience because of their strong/hard natures or how they were nurtured. However, when patience is more understood, we all might find that we’re taking more steps toward patience than we think we are. And, if we keep taking those steps, then

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Great Homeschool Convention – Round Rock, Texas

(This event is not hosted by TSG. Nicholeen will be a featured speaker.) An “Individual” or “Family” registration to the 2022 Texas Great Homeschool Convention includes access to info-packed workshops, admission to browse & shop the HUGE homeschool curriculum exhibit hall, exclusive hotel discounts, admission to the Teen Track (for both teens and parents!), admission to Comedy Night with Andrew

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Great Homeschool Convention – Ontario, California

(This event is not hosted by TSG. Nicholeen will be a featured speaker.) Register Today California Homeschool Convention – June 15-17, 2023   An “Individual” or “Family” registration to the 2022 California Great Homeschool Convention includes access to info-packed workshops, admission to browse & shop the HUGE homeschool curriculum exhibit hall, exclusive hotel discounts, admission to the Teen

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