Podcast Episodes

Episode 140 – Coddling Vs. Comforting

In this episode, Nicholeen and Paije discuss the differences between coddling and comforting children. Do you know toddlers that “rule the roost”? Or teens who feel entitled to an easy-going life? Listen in for more insight on this topic and tips for how to overcome it!

Episode 139 – Managing A Busy Lifestyle without Getting Burnt Out

In this episode, Nicholeen and Paije discuss some of the things that happen when people are so busy with so many things that they get burnt out. Do you have lots of things going on that all need to be balanced and are high priority? Do you struggle feeling like each thing is getting the attention it needs? Listen in to find out how to use TSG skills and principles to better manage your busy life!



Episode 138 – When Grandparents Become The Parents

In this episode, Nicholeen and Paije discuss the not-as-common family dynamic where grandparents take on the roles of parents in the lives of their grandchildren. Have you taken on the role of parent for a second time, even though you thought you were done parenting? Are you struggling to keep your energy up with your rambunctious charges? Listen in for some insight into and tips for taking up active parenting again after already raising children of your own!

Episode 137 – Mighty Mentor Meetings!

In this episode, Nicholeen and Paije discuss the impact of one-on-one mentor meetings on children and families. Are you wanting to connect with your child more, but not sure where to start? Wishing you had more influence in your child’s life? Listen in for great tips and insight on better connection with your child!

Episode 136 – The Irreplaceable Value of Motherhood

In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss the value of Mom and Grandma and the ins and outs of how the world views motherhood. Do you feel like your service to your family is underestimated and underappreciated? Do you think that Mother could be replaced? Listen in for the insights of a mother and grandmother!

Episode 135 – TSG And Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)

In this episode, Nicholeen and Paije discuss some of the intricacies of Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), how challenging and frustrating it can be, and how TSG can address behaviors that are common with this diagnosis. Do you feel like your child is oddly distant? Do you wish they desired a better connection with you like you do with them? Listen in for great tips and insights on improving your connection with someone with RAD!

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