TSG Principles

Canceling Parents Has Negative Consequences

by Nicholeen Peck   In 2020 I wrote an article about the upcoming election admonishing parents to teach their children about calmness and the peaceful transition of power amidst the emotionally charged political debates and the controlling cancel-culture controversies. The day my article was posted my social media accounts got canceled. Apparently talking about calmness

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“I’m Sorry” Shows A Lot

by Nicholeen Peck   In the past week, I’ve received multiple apology texts from friends related to a variety of topics. Two apology texts stick out to me more than the others. One apology was clearly for social posturing. The person was sending it because they knew that they looked bad to others and didn’t

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Correcting Behavior Vs Understanding Personality

by Nicholeen Peck   Discerning between when a child should be corrected and when a child’s personality should simply be understood can be difficult for many parents, because personalities and behaviors are different, but can sometimes seem similar. So what is the difference between personality and behavior, and how can parents prepare for meaningful interactions

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How To Talk To Your Kids | Bridging The Information Gap

by Nicholeen Peck Parents have to navigate some pretty tough topics in our modern world. These topics range from sibling rivalry and disconnection from parents to addictions, romance, drugs, spiritual skepticism, digital usage, and social dilemmas. Parents frequently ask me questions such as, “What should I say to my son about his girlfriend who is

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Vital Focus For Improving Family Togetherness In A Disconnected World

by Nicholeen Peck Ironically, in an age when business communications and social networking are easier than ever due to technological advances and global platforms, families are struggling more than ever to feel connected as groups. When the problems facing families seem endless and intricate there is one principle that we must keep in mind. “Our

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No More Standing on the Parenting Sidelines

by Nicholeen Peck Children sometimes say, “I wish my parents would stop getting involved in my life.” But is that what they really want? This idea of having total freedom without any oversight, teaching, or correction sounds very attractive to a child . However, when a person looks at the long-term effects on children who

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Cultural Rejection of Self-Government

by Nicholeen Peck   Self-government, a key principle of individual and societal freedom, is culturally rejected by some academics. This malicious movement, if adopted by society, will undermine our cultures, our families, our economies, and our personal empowerment. Luckily, the solution to cultural warfare has a simple yet powerful and effective solution; strengthen the people

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Family Roles Are Often Misunderstood

by Nicholeen Peck Honoring self-evident family roles promotes increased family identity, a functional family culture, and secure children. In order to honor the family roles of children and parents, it’s vital that we understand what family roles are and how they help us succeed. Misconceptions about roles have confused so many people and discouraged young

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Today’s Complexity Demands More Simplicity

by Nicholeen Peck “It’s harder for children nowadays with all of the technology and temptations and bad examples”, a mother said to me at a recent conference where I was speaking. We talked for a moment about the differences between her childhood and the childhood of her children. She was concerned. She felt lost and

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Podcast 117 – Parenting On Your Own

In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss what to do when you’re wanting to implement Self-Government into your family, but you’re a single parent (or feel like you’re single parenting). Are you the only parent involved in your children’s lives right now? Are you struggling to get your spouse on board with a new parenting system? Whether you truly are on your own or just feel like you are, listen in for great insight and advice for how to skillfully navigate your situation!

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Mindset Makes or Breaks Family Bonds

“My daughter is so ungrateful! All I do is serve her, but she doesn’t care about me or what I feel. And, she never helps out, even when I ask nicely,” an exasperated mother told me about her teenage daughter. In a later conversation, Emily, the daughter said to me, “I never get anything my

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Where Love Is…

Love runs deeper than many people realize, and the outcomes of love are significant. We all recognize when we don’t feel loved or when we have a hard time feeling love for someone who isn’t behaving lovingly. But, what we don’t often recognize is that love isn’t something that can be turned on and off

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Podcast 116 – Stress: What To Do When They Aren’t “Getting It”

In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss how to handle situations where children (and other people in general) just aren’t grasping a topic or the environment in general and begin to get stressed. Do you find yourself saying, “Just figure it out!” or “You know exactly what to do! Don’t tell me you don’t.”? Listen in for personal life experiences and lessons to help you!

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