Nicholeen Peck


A Mother’s Gift – 15 Minutes That Changed My Life

Tribute To Mothers Is there a more selfless person than a mother? From sun up to sun down mothers are serving their families, communities, church groups, schools, and neighbors. My mother was not perfect, but I remember her striving for perfection every day. She was constantly cleaning, gardening, canning, making food like home-made bread and […]

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Hudson four and one half inches with name (2)

Hudson The Great!- Video of 3 Year Old Learning Self-Government

Effective Parenting

Recently my friend, David Perry, the renown film maker, invited me to his home to teach his family self-government. The Perrys have two active young boys ages five and three. They are quickly becoming self-government experts.

This is a recent video of Hudson, age three, explaining

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Friends Picking Apricots -mini

Praise Them For You! – Solving Common Relationship Problems

Relationship Questions “Nicholeen, how can I change my relationship with my daughter? We are so distant from each other.” “Nicholeen, thank you for your articles and Implementation Course conference calls. I look forward to them each week. Please help me with this question. I know you said you have been through this before with your

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Interrupting Porter – Child Behavior Problems

Child Behavior

I don’t know a parent who wouldn’t say, “My child is so smart!” We all recognize the intelligence our children possess. But, what about when they just can’t stop themselves from blurting out all that intelligence when Mom is on a phone call, or when adults are having a conversation? Interrupting is a sign of a thinker. Smart people interrupt.

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“It’s Your Turn To Clean It!” – Problem Solving Steps

“Londyn,” fourteen year old Paije said. “You have to clean the griddle since you used it.”

Londyn replied with, “No, kitchen is your stewardship this week. You have to do it.”

“I had to wash the griddle when it was your stewardship, so you have to wash it now.” Paije countered.

“It’s Your Turn To Clean It!” – Problem Solving Steps Read More »


Stressed Out To Chilled Out ~ My True Story

I am not a stress out type person. My part ‘yellow’ personality usually keeps me rather laid back and happy no matter what troubles come my way. This has been a blessing many times in my life. But, I can feel stress, and sometimes I do. Here is my story of how I conquered the worse case of stress I have had.

Stress And Anxiety Symptoms

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I Have Some Reporting To Do!


This video is a report of whatteaching self government has been doing lately to help teach the world self-government.And I give you a FREE gift at the end.

As you may already know, the book Parenting AHouse Untied has now been translated into Chinese. I am waiting to hear from publishers and people associated with the Chinese governnment about getting the book out to the Chinese people.

What you may not know is that the book is also tr

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How to Quit Porn: A Spiritual Transformation

Hopefully the moment you clicked the link to this article your computer gave you a warning that this article will have the word porn in it. That is a sign that you are trying to keep your family away from pornography by installing a security system and filter on your computer. That is a step

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Efficiency Disease & Dealing With Stress

What is Efficiency?

At this time of year we set goals. We resolve to change our ways and become better than we are. The most common resolutions usually have something to do with time or body size. I don’t know how many times I have resolved to get up earlier, or get up earlier to regularly exercise. Likewise, I don’t know how

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Educational Christmas Advent For Children

This year our family is doing a new educational Christmas Advent for the 12 days of Christmas. This advent idea was given to me by my good friend, Yvonne Averett. She has two girls ages 9 and 11, and made it for them. They are a homeschool family, and this is one of the ways that they are inviting the Christmas Spirit and Christ into their homeschool this year. I know not everyone who reads my blog is a Christian, but I am and loved this idea. So, I thought I would pass it along. I am always up for family learning and good h

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Home Made Christmas Gifts For Kids

Over the years we have had a variety of Christmases. Some years we have had more money than other years, but no matter the income we have always felt like we wanted to give our children something which would encourage them to be creative. To create stories.

Stories are the bud of genius. They are the spring of inspiration.

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Bodies For Sale! Teaching Modesty

“…Everyone is selling something,” I said as I talked to a young girl one evening.

Her mother had just made a comment about how the outfit the girl was wearing was “too revealing” and so she would need to go change it. The fifteen year old girltilted her hip and rolled her eyes as she smirked at her mom. This smile meant, “I don’t care what you say.

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