
Today’s Complexity Demands More Simplicity

by Nicholeen Peck “It’s harder for children nowadays with all of the technology and temptations and bad examples”, a mother said to me at a recent conference where I was speaking. We talked for a moment about the differences between her childhood and the childhood of her children. She was concerned. She felt lost and

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Where Love Is…

Love runs deeper than many people realize, and the outcomes of love are significant. We all recognize when we don’t feel loved or when we have a hard time feeling love for someone who isn’t behaving lovingly. But, what we don’t often recognize is that love isn’t something that can be turned on and off

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Podcast 74 – When Your Best Doesn’t Seem To Be Enough: Coping With Others’ Choices

In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss what to do when you’ve already done all you can to teach your children what they should do, then they choose another path. Did you do something wrong somewhere along the line? Do you feel like you failed as a parent? Listen in for some great tips of

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Podcast 70 – Transforming Hearts Through Love

In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss what it takes to change negative behavior at the root of the problem: where someone’s heart is at. How do you inspire and teach a change of heart in your children and yourself? Listen in for a 4-step process to achieve relationships based on love!

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Podcast 69 – The Pattern of Decline & How To Revive Your Family

In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss the specifics of how a family begins to fall apart and become dysfunctional, step by step. It always starts small and on an individual level. Can you tell your family dynamic is headed in a potentially dangerous direction, but can’t really pinpoint the underlying issue that’s causing the

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“I Love You No Matter What”

Children need to feel love from their parents more than ever before. And, our neighbors need love too. That unconditional, deep and abiding love will help our children weather the storms of life. Love is the truth that fills the soul and gives life hope and meaning. Maybe, during this time of social and political

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Podcast 15 – How To Have A Happy Marriage

In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss multiple questions that are common concerns and topics of debate among married or soon-to-be married couples. In answer to these questions, 10 key Self-Government skills are presented that help to answer and solve almost all marital questions, concerns, and problems. Do you feel like you struggle appreciating or maintaining

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Podcast 13 – Creating A Loving Family Environment

In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss what real love looks and feels like in a family setting, how that love can and should be utilized, and the difference and similarities between romantic love and familial love. They touch on what it feels like when the proper love isn’t present, along with skills that can be used to bring that proper, deep love into family relationships. 

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Mother giving high five to daughter

Praising For Real

I once had a reader say that praising didn’t come naturally for her. In fact, she thought praising seemed fake and annoying. She wrote:

I don’t want to be a cheerleader, always saying “Good job” no matter what—I want to say things that really matter, that I really believe, that are true. I guess what makes it hard is when I know (or think I know) that I’ve taught them how to do something better than they have done it, or that they should be capable of doing some things without always having to be praised for it.

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Moon shining in the clouds and stars

Families Of Light

“Mommy, what makes the moon shine?”askedmy six-year-old daughter, Londyn. “The moon reflects the light of the sun,” I responded. After a brief discussion about the moon and the sun, I realized that her question was really profound. Innocence almost always finds truth.I’m grateful for that.The moon reflects the light from the sun. It never turns its back on the sun either.It always faces it.The moon loses light when things get in the way, like the earth.The moon has the power to control the tides on the earth; the very thing that gets in the way.

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