Nicholeen Peck


Video: 15 Year Old Boy Honors Dad As Hero For Learning Self-Government

What will your youth think about self-government when you finally get it all working? This movie tells. Weston, age 15 talks about his father’s transformation and what he sees his future life being like now that his father learned self-government. This video brings me to tears. It is so inspiring I had to share it

Video: 15 Year Old Boy Honors Dad As Hero For Learning Self-Government Read More »


“Maybe Christmas…Perhaps…Means A Little Bit More!”

“The Grinch Who Stole Christmas”, is a simple tale that clearly illustrates that the most beloved of holidays, Christmas, is not about getting stuff or doing festive things as much as it is about who you have become because of Christmas. “The Grinch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season!” And the “most likely reason” was

“Maybe Christmas…Perhaps…Means A Little Bit More!” Read More »

basketball skills for young players

How Parents Sabotage Their Children Socially

Generally, most parents want their children to have good social skills. They want them to be well liked and to be kind, respectful communicators. Unfortunately, some of these very well-meaning parents might actually be destroying the child’s ability to become this kind, respectful and socially mature person, and they don’t even know they are doing it.

How Parents Sabotage Their Children Socially Read More »

