

No More Standing on the Parenting Sidelines

by Nicholeen Peck Children sometimes say, “I wish my parents would stop getting involved in my life.” But is that what they really want? This idea of having total freedom without any oversight, teaching, or correction sounds very attractive to a child . However, when a person looks at the long-term effects on children who

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Podcast 90 – Social Anxiety and How To Help

In this podcast, Nicholeen and Paije discuss what social anxiety is and how it’s affecting the family. Do you have social anxiety but don’t really know why or how you got it? Do you wish you could help your children overcome their social anxiety? Listen in for some great insight and awesome tips! https://tsg-podcasts.s3.amazonaws.com/2021/12+December/TSGPodcast90-SocialAnxietyAndHowToHelp-Dec21-2021.mp3

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Where We Give Our Attention Matters Most

When I was a little girl, my brothers used to tease me. Every time I was teased or called names by them, I allowed myself to become emotional. One day when I was upset, my father said to me, “Nicholeen, if you don’t let the teasing work, then it won’t be fun for them and

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OCDs and Fears

I once received a note from a mother who had an eight-year-old son with obsessive tendencies. He was scared the upstairs of the house would break and drop everyone into the basement, so he constantly checked that the floor was strong enough. And this wasn’t the first time he had fixated on something. The mom was nervous because she had a family history of mental illness. Her husband wasn’t as worried because he believed most mental problems are created by a family’s discipline and relationships. He said that developing perfectionist children who govern themselves caused their son to obsess over things. She asked my advice on how to help her son through his obsessive thoughts and actions.

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