Using TSG Skills


Parenting Myths: Living A Lie VS Parenting Facts

What does “living a lie” mean? It is when we believe something that is not true and which controls our thoughts, feelings, and other beliefs. For example, when I was pregnant with our first child, I would sit in church and notice that a boy was wearing white socks with a suit, and I thought, “My son would never do that,” or a little child with a dirty face, and I thought, “My children will have clean faces in church”.

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Family Structure Definition: Nicholeen Peck on TV

Changing family structure can be difficult. Our parenting habits probably started in our childhood. And, even when we promised we wouldn’t do the same thing, practice the same negative parenting styles, we don’t always know a different way. There are multiples types of family structures out there to choose from.Since there are many some parents can get overwhelmed.

How do parents know if the chosen structure will actually work?

Nicholeen and Spencer Peck

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Improving Self Esteem: How To Build Self Confidence In Children

A Mother’s Question About Building Self Esteem In Children

Emma said to me at bedtime that she thinks that she’s ugly. I’m not exactly sure where she heard this since I’m always telling her how cute she is, but what would you say to your kids if they said that?”

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Positive Parenting: Justice or Mercy?

The Parenting Question

Justice or mercy? That is the question. When your child gets frustrated at his sister and hits her does he need justice or mercy? When your youth comes home from a date after curfew does she need justice or mercy? How do parents balance these two truths? Which principles are the parent secrets for raising children? Is justice or mercy the key for how to become a good parent?

Positive Parenting: Justice or Mercy? Read More »


Do As I Say, Not As I Do. Parenting Radio!

Recognizing good parenting principles is the easy part! Actually living them is something else entirely.

I know none of us want to admit it, but it is really easy to become a lazy mother or a lazy father in today’s fast paced society. What can we do to keep in touch with our own parenting?

In this conference call segment I talk about the most popular kind of parenting in the world today; pedantic parenting.

Do As I Say, Not As I Do. Parenting Radio! Read More »


How To Stop Getting Angry: Relaxation Breathing Techniques

“Mom, I’m going to go to Zack’s to play basketball. Is that okay?” Quinton, age fifteen, announced this morning.

I replied, “Quin, you have things to do here at home today, so I don’t think we will have time for friends until another day.”

Quin really wanted to go shoot hoops with his friend. What fifteen year old boy doesn’t?

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OT: How To Motivate Students To Learn

This might seem off topic, but I don’t know if it really is. I think having motivated students is something all parents work for. The question was posed to me: Nicholeen, what do you do to prepare your teenage youth for academic success?

On a recent conference call I went into great detail on the subject. As a special treat I have the recording of that call to share with you today.

OT: How To Motivate Students To Learn Read More »

ClarkFamily - Copy

Family Mission Statement Success: One Family’s Story

For years now people have talked about making family mission statements. In books and on blogs we hear about the principles behind making a family plan and get inspired to try new things at home.

However, statistically most people don’t actually make mission statements and use them even though they are inspired by the idea. Why?

Family Mission Statement Success: One Family’s Story Read More »

11 Year Old Shares His Self-Government Resolutions

Eleven year old, Jacob, shares his New Years Resolutions ideas. I recently met Jacob’s family and helped them learn some self-government principles. When I came to visit a second time he showed me his inspiring idea of how to keep himself motivated and focused on his self-government goals.

Nicholeen’s Implementation Course for parents has all the rest of the videos made at the visit to Jacob’s family. In these videos we learn how to do problem solving exercises, how to do proper corrections, and how to do the Four Basic Skills. They were amazing on film.

11 Year Old Shares His Self-Government Resolutions Read More »


Good Childrens Books? A Must Have Book For Families!

Good Kids Books:

“Do you have any book suggestions for helping my children learn to want to be obedient?”


I was asked this question a couple of years ago, and it got me thinking. I couldn’t answer it. I didn’t know of any must have kids books which would teach children the kinds of self-government skills they need to be happy obedient children.

Good Childrens Books? A Must Have Book For Families! Read More »

Sibling Rivalry Movie: Computer Fights

[video:] Last week my post was about sibling rivalry. Here is a movie which shows how knowing to disagree appropriately is a skill which helps sibling rivalry.

This sibling rivalry solution video was filmed while I was doing some private self-government teaching for a family. I thought the children did very well with their new skills! It is hard to learn new stuff. But, both children will have much more happiness now that they understand that disagreeing appropriately is for their relationsh

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Sibling Rivalry: How To Stop Children From Fighting

Questions: Children Fighting

“Any tips on dealing with sibling rivalry? Homeschooling is not productive due to this issue.”

“My children seem to fight about everything. Most of the stuff is stupid, like whose turn it is to sit in the front seat, or who gets what place to watch a movie. Is this just normal sibling rivalry they will grow out of, or is this something I can fix? Please help!”

Is is possible to be siblings without rivalry?


Sibling Rivalry: How To Stop Children From Fighting Read More »

Pumpkin Pie

Great Thanksgiving Traditions: Showing Gratitude

Traditions establish identity. I don’t know a person who isn’t proud of their family traditions. Those traditions make us who we are. They teach us what “the good life” looks like and create feelings of unity and love which instill desires for more family experiences and deeper relationships. Traditions give us hope for our futures.

Great Thanksgiving Traditions: Showing Gratitude Read More »


Dealing With Difficult Family Members?

The Question:

I have been working really hard at having self-government with my
spouse and children, but I don’t see how to have self-government with
people in my extended family who are extremely difficult. Also, I am
not their mother. How do you deal with difficult family members?
What do you suggest?”


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