
Book Update

Many people have expressed interest in my upcoming book: Parenting A House United: Changing Children’s Hearts and Behaviors by Teaching Self-Government. 

I have started pre-selling copies of this book to raise money for the acutal printing at some of the latest speaking events. 

The book has taken longer than expected, but is finished with editing now and only needs to be formatted and printed.  Watch the site for a pre-sale.  This will be the only way to get the book at a discounted price.  It will be coming in a few days.


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“It’s Bedtime”

Bedtime negative behaviors. my 5 year old just will not settle down. I get really frustrated with him. I don’t feel like I can do the rule of three or extra chores when he is supposed to be going to sleep, and if I tell him he has earned them for the morning, the consequence doesn’t seem real to him. My husband’s solution is to give him three warnings, and then spank him. I am beginning to hate bedtime.

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Stand For Something

     One afternoon my children and I went on a walk to our local library.  The library is about one and a half miles from our home.  After a great time reading and exploring together in the library, we started our mile and a half walk home. 

     During the walk one of my small children mentioned he was hungry.  It was getting close to dinner time, and would still be a little while before we reached home.  When we were about a half way home we passed a home which had a large apple tree growing on the property.  The apples on the tree were perfectly ripe and large.  My son immediately notice

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Don’t Overreact

     While making bread one day I heard confusion coming from downstairs.  After asking the children what was happening I found out that one of our darling little friends, who was over playing, broke a toy and was really worried about getting into trouble.  Apparently, the little five year old girl was playing with a toy when it dropped and broke.  The other children assured her that it would be alright, but she was still worried. 

     Our sweet friend became so anxious that she hid herself in the bathroom for a while, and when she was found there came out and found another more private pl

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Fathers figuring things out

Recently I have had multiple people email with questions about their husbands.  It seems that some fathers are reluctant to make changes in their family culture and systems even when the rest of the family is already using the teaching-self-government system.  Even though I am speaking from a woman’s perspective today to women primarily, I have also had fathers email about their wives not wanting to change, so the topic is valid for both mothers and fathers.

     Why is it that one parent can be ready for change and another isn’t?  The answer to this question is probably individual in many

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Teaching How to Stop Teasing

“Waaaaahaaaaa!” screamed Porter, my five year old, from the other side of the family room.  I looked over there just is time to see Paije, his much older sister, trying to pry one of her shoes from her little brother’s hands while keeping a close eye on the other shoe.  Before I could even get a word in, Paije had grabbed the first shoe away from her younger brother and no

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The Power to Change

Can one person change the world just by being herself? I think so. That is where the power in all of us lies; in the person we were meant to become. If we find this person, we will then find our power to change the world.

Live each day like it matters. Because it does. One action based on one thought is where the power to change the world lies. Touch people. Touch your children. Influence. That is why we are all here.

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Teaching Self Government requires Self Government

        Another way I change my children’s hearts is to see what changes I have to make in myself.  If a relationship is suffering, it is usually a two person problem.  So, if I feel disconnected from my child, I take a good hard look at what I can do to change myself, motivate myself, and inspire myself.  In short, I try to see how I can live better so that I can inspire my child to live better.  In the past this has even required a new way of communicating to my family.  So far, this approach to changing hearts has been a big blessing for myself and my family. 

        If I am going to in

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Parenting On the Go ~Car and Store Struggles

Hi, Nicholeen,
I have a quick question for you.  I’m struggling with what to do for discipline/consequences when we’re away from home.  (Specifically in the car or in a store.)   My kids tend to pick at each other, fight, kick, etc., in the car and to run away from me or do other annoying things (push the cart the wrong direction, touch things they shouldn’t, etc.) at the store.   The younger ones especially (age 2-4ish) don’t really care enough about what’s coming in the future for them to care if I give them a consequence that will be carried out

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It Changed My Life

I recently received a very inspiring email which answers the question “How will Teaching Self Government change my family?”   I love to see what Teaching Self Government looks like in other homes, so I thought you would enjoy it too.

TSG has change my life.  It has opened my eyes to the 4 basic communication skills.  It has given me hope that despite my upbringing, I can learn the skills to help me be a better parent and communicator with my children.  It helps me to pause when I’m really frustrated, to know what to say in any situation instead of constantly having to be creative

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Buy the Book for Cheap!

        I’ve read about Love and Logic, Power of Positive Parenting and other books that were ok, but not memorable.  You know how I feel about L and L, too confusing, too inconsistent, creates too many power struggles.  P of PP I loved and recomend to help you get in a good frame of mind, but I didn’t walk away from that empowered with the tools/skills to follow through with my new vision of the P of PP.  I’m all pumped up to parent with positiveness, but what does that look like, how does is sound, how does it really play out in the heat of the moment when my first reaction is to

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Mentoring Opportunity

I still continue to work through as many of the questions which have been sent to me as possible, and feel bad that I don’t have time to get to them as quickly as I would like to.  Recently, I have done lots of mentor calls with people to answer some people’s questions more quickly.  Others have felt it helpful to have mentor calls to start their family government off in the right direction.

If you are intersted in having a mentor call with me, I am able to schedule one hour calls for $50 per hour at this time.  You will also get a recording of your call so that you can refer back whenever you like.

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My kids are really hard workers (At least I’ve taught them one thing right!) so they are not bothered at all by doing an extra job or even doing jobs for one hour or all day. It’s not their favorite thing to do but they will do it without complaining and then go right back to the same behavior that we were trying to fix. I know it sounds crazy but these are unusual kids I’m raising!

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