

The Clingy Child Cure: From Clingy To Confident

“What do I do about my child? She will not leave my side. I know I should love her attention and affection, but she is smothering me. I can’t do anything without her hanging and clinging onto me. Me and my husband can’t even go on dates because she makes such a fuss. Am I spoiling her? Some people have said that this must be why she won’t leave me. She is 20 months old.”

This is a great question! So many families experience what you have just analyzed. There is hope for your daughter and the solution might surprise you.

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Patriotism Today

What is a patriot? Do they exist today?

In Webster’s 1828 dictionary, it says that the word “patriot” comes from the Latin word “patria” which means “father or native country.” This detailed dictionary also says that a patriot is someone who supports and defends the interests of his country. A patriot is “devoted to the welfare of one’s country.”

As I pondered this definition I wondered how many patriots we really have in our world today. I know that many people profess to be…

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Realizing Your Mission Through Teaching Self-Government

As we use and experience the methods of Teaching Self-Government, we begin to see what our mission is and how we can accomplish it through using the TSG skills. Everyone has a mission, but not everyone has the right tools to assisst them in accomplishing that mission. Teaching Self-Government can give you what you need

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