

Nicholeen Talks About How She Lives Joyfully And MUCH More!

Recently I was invited to be a guest speaker on the Joyful Living Podcast with Quinn Curtis. The presentation was completely new and really spontaneous! I think you will like it. Some of the topics covered are: Entitlement issues in children What joyful living looks like How to balance home life and work or other

Nicholeen Talks About How She Lives Joyfully And MUCH More! Read More »

Conference Call 4-22-11

Nicholeen shares 3 Tips.

Tip 1: Talks about how to help those who are feeling overwhelmed with life or feel anxiety about whether their communication is received properly. (This includes: mothering, parenting, homeschooling, etc.)

Tip 2: Talks about vision and how we achieve becoming who we want to be come or what mission we want to obtain.

Tip 3: Talks about capacity and how to get everything accomplished.


  • I’m having major issues with my 12 year old son. I don’t want to seem him, he is extremely out of control and acting like he is 7 years old. What do I do?
  • Will I have access to this program and material after the initial 10-12 weeks? The support calls are monthly subscription to continue. But you will still have access to the information on the Implementation course. (Updated as of summer 2014)
  • I’ve been struggling with our 20 year vision for our family since I first heard you talk. How do I make and achieve this?
  • What does a Time-out look like for little children as compared to the Rule of 3?
  • How is Teaching Self Government different from Love and Logic (giving choices)?
  • My 3 year old threw a trantrum and I had to take him into the hallway and leave my other children inside by themselves, what do you recommend for this type of situation?
  • I am struggling with distractions while trying to run the household and a homeschool. How do I know if am being successful?
  • Nicholeen recommends balancing and prioritizing. Top 6 Priorities

Conference Call 4-22-11 Read More »


Fathers: Parent or Playmate Part 2

We have just made a pretty good argument for Dad’s to parent differently and have different experiences with their children. However, having a different God given role doesn’t mean that Dad should feel separated from the flow of the home. In fact, it is important that Dad should view himself as a co-president of the family business. Families should be run just as effectively as a business.

Fathers: Parent or Playmate Part 2 Read More »


Fathers: Parent or Playmate Part 1

I have had many questions latelyasking if fathers should parent different andhow to help fatherbecome part of mother’s vision for the family. There are many different situations and personalities, so there areprobably many ways to treat each different relationship.I am going to share some of what I have learned about fathers and what I havedoneto

Fathers: Parent or Playmate Part 1 Read More »

