Using TSG Skills


Talking To Teenagers: Three Tips

Nicholeen, I can’t seem to correct my 16 year old son without him getting upset. He rolls his eyes and looks away from me. He just seems to have a wall surrounding him that none of us can penetrate. I know I am not the calmest parent either, but there must be something I can say to get his attention or something.

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Free Printable Chore Charts: For Children and Teenagers


Can you share your family chore chart with us?”

My chore chart system is really quite easy. Over the years I have had different kinds of chore chart systems depending on the age of my child. I have had toddler chore charts, kid chore charts, and chore charts for teenagers.

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Difficulty Waking Up


“I just purchased your book online. I am excited to read it. I am a mother
of 3 boys, 16, 13, and 11. Years ago we got each boy his own alarm clock &
talked about being responsible for getting himself up in the morning. Since
Wii time in our home isn’t free for the taking, we told them that this would
be how they could earn Wii time, by setting their own alarm, getting up on

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They Can Smell It: Parenting Videos

Have you ever heard that old phrase about how dogs can “smell fear?” Well, dogs aren’t the only ones who can smell fear; children can too. Children know the moment they have you. They know when mom is out of ideas and dad is ready to explode. They know.

All people are born with this kind of sense about other people, so it is natural for children to consider it as valuable as seeing or tasting.

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piano keys

Getting Children To Practice Piano

For years now people have emailed me questions about what to do about a child who won’t practice piano when told to. My children don’t have that problem because of how I began piano with them. The secret to having children enjoy practice time is in giving the child more ownership and less anxiety. This video shows how I work with my children when they are small.


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Can Too Much Friend Time Hurt Children?

“Nicholeen, can my child have too much friend time? I have noticed that he begs for it all the time, but doesn’t really want to play with his brothers and sisters that much. What should I do?”

As many of you know, in my Audio seminar and book, Parenting A House United, I talk about how children usually tell you exactly what they don’t need by asking for it all the time.

Just like if my child keeps begging me for junk food, I know he needs health

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Keeping Teens Safe: The Internet Threat

“Mrs. Peck, I am afraid I can’t believe in God.”

“What do you mean? How do you know?”

“I just don’t do things I should do and I do some things girls my age shouldn’t do…”

“What are you doing that you shouldn’t do?” I asked

“I just…spend my free time with two guys I don’t know…we just use facebook.

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Yes Or No? ~Parent Choices

Is it easier to tell children yes or no when they ask a question?

The answer to this question could depend on what kind of person you are.

Are the kind of parent who really likes to be in control of the goings on in the family and don’t like to be bothered with plans changing, outfits changing, or extra work for a new idea? If you are this kind of person you probably find it is easier to tell the children no when they ask to go play at a friends, finger paint, make cookies, or go swimming.

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happy toddler hat

Accepting No After Disagreeing Appropriately

“I’ve been using the 4 basic skills with my children, ages 7 and 4. It has been such a help. Thank you, Nicholeen!

But I’m not sure what to do to help my 4 yo understand the concept of
disagree appropriately. It seems too complex for her. She will go
through the script and ask to dis. app. and do it, but she seems
genuinely confused that she doesn’t always get her way when she does
this. I try to let her get her way as much as possible when she

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