Using TSG Skills


Parenting Tools For Conquering Crisis Situations

No matter the age of children, no matter the family, some moments just feel like or look like chaos. Dirty dishes everywhere, nagging, siblings fighting, people not getting in the car quick enough, whining, laundry piled up all over, toys underfoot, music blaring…where is the calm? This story is regular life for many families. It

Parenting Tools For Conquering Crisis Situations Read More »


The Calm Cure For Strong Willed And Withdrawn Children

Every time I visit a home, the parents in the household will point out the one child that is particularly difficult. Sometimes the child is passive, depressed or withdrawn, but most of the time the child is strong willed and prone to disobedience and power struggling. Recently, I visited a family who had both types

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Swimming Pool Bullies: Using TSG Principles With Other People’s Children

Bullies are everywhere, even at swimming pools. This is a story about how I taught a swimming pool bully about cause and effect. The TSG principles aren’t just for your own children, they apply to other people’s children and adults you know as well. The application is slightly different when teaching people not familiar with the principles. But, truth is truth, and they feel the principles when you share them assertively and deliberately.

Swimming Pool Bullies: Using TSG Principles With Other People’s Children Read More »


A Mother’s Gift – 15 Minutes That Changed My Life

Tribute To Mothers Is there a more selfless person than a mother? From sun up to sun down mothers are serving their families, communities, church groups, schools, and neighbors. My mother was not perfect, but I remember her striving for perfection every day. She was constantly cleaning, gardening, canning, making food like home-made bread and

A Mother’s Gift – 15 Minutes That Changed My Life Read More »

Hudson four and one half inches with name (2)

Hudson The Great!- Video of 3 Year Old Learning Self-Government

Effective Parenting

Recently my friend, David Perry, the renown film maker, invited me to his home to teach his family self-government. The Perrys have two active young boys ages five and three. They are quickly becoming self-government experts.

This is a recent video of Hudson, age three, explaining

Hudson The Great!- Video of 3 Year Old Learning Self-Government Read More »

