Fun… So Important!

Fun is so important for good personal and family health.Every Sunday we choose a family activity to do together sometime thatweek.My children also set a fun goal for the week with their father.He asks about their goal and makes sure they accomplish it. It’s great relationship-building time with their dad.

Memories with My Father

I remember having regular date nights with my dad when I was young. My siblings and I all looked forward to when it was our week for a “Daddy date.” There are two dates I remember specifically.

Once when it was my week for a Daddy date, my father decided we should go hiking in the mountains. I remember feeling safe and secure with my dad walking in front of me. We had so much fun, even though we had little money.

Another time, my dad asked me what I wanted to do on our date. I thought for a moment but didn’t have any ideas. He paused, then said, “Let’s gowindow shopping!” I looked at him with a disappointed look and said, “I don’t think we need windows. That doesn’t sound very fun.” My dad realized I had never been window shopping and explained the concept of looking at the pretty things in shop windows without actually buying anything. I was much more excited by that idea. I remember holding my dad’s hand as we looked in the windows and went in some of the shops. It was a perfect date with my dad.

Schedule Your Dates

Don’t forget to schedule fun into your lives.Once it’s scheduled, live in the moment!Don’t care about anything else except for that feeling of love and connection. It’s so important to the children. You won’t believe how much they look forward to that scheduled “play” time with their dad. Even if it’s a little thing, such as playing a game or going on a walk and talking, it’s something that will make a cherished memory.

The anticipation makes it much more meaningful. That’s why scheduling it is so important! My children remind my husband when it’s their week for a Daddy date, and they won’t let him forget! They love that precious one-on-one time with him.

Try not to skip any weeks with your children. Establish a habit of making those relationship-building moments. It will mean so much to your children in the future.



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