Vital Parenting Bundle

Over $150 value! This package will give you a good starting point in learning Teaching Self-Government.


Parenting: A House United 2nd Edition

Is your home in crisis? Do your children never do what they are told? Do you find yourself completely overwhelmed and hating to interact with your children? Do your children treat you with disrespect and cause contention at home? Are you out of control of your emotions as a parent too? If any of these descriptions sound like your house, then you might be in crisis and you will definitely benefit from reading this book. It is written for you. This book is also written for people who don‘t want to ever have a home like I have described above and for parents who want to have an effectively communicating family right from the very beginning of parenthood.


Roles. They define our rights, obligations, responsibilities, beliefs, and even who we are. How well do we each understand our respective roles? How do we teach our children about proper roles? How would the problems children and parents face change if they better understood roles? Aren't parents whether aggressive, passive or assertive always defining roles anyway? How do roles effect business relationships? Why do we see the roles in today's world wrapped around so much confusion and debate when it's impossible to escape roles? This book (published in 2016) makes roles easier to understand, and it shows how to strengthen roles and empower ourselves and those we live and work with to reach our full potentials.

Teaching Self-Government Parenting Seminar

This is the recording of a day-long parenting seminar given by Nicholeen. You will learn the methods she uses to parent her children that have worked for thousands of families. Even if families only implement some of Nicholeen’s tested parenting principles, their family life will improve.

Popular Parenting Methods: Are They Really Working?

Do the popular parenting methods of today really work? Do they really teach us how to raise children well so that this generation of children become self-governing, responsible, happy adults?

Nicholeen examines popular parenting methods and the long-term results we can expect them to produce in our kids. She then invites the readers to start a parenting revolution in their own home, returning to the best parenting methods... methods that buck the popular parenting styles and restore our families and homes to places where children are trained to be responsible and self-governing.

The Power of Calm

The Power of Calm: an hour-long audio class by Nicholeen.

"When I go speak to people around the country about the style of parenting I live in my home and the family culture I am passionate about, one of the biggest responses I get is, 'I think I need self-government myself before I can teach it to my children.'

This is so true! It is hard to stay calm when you are under pressure and dealing with the stresses of raising children and living in our fast-paced world.

Cue Cards

When I did foster care, I had a hard time remembering the new vocabulary I was required to use to help these troubled youth, so I made some cue cards to help myself.

When I first started teaching people the language of self-government and I saw them struggling to remember the new words, I remembered how much cue cards had helped me in the past. These easy to use cards make using the TSG scripts much easier, especially when you need them most.

We recently added 3 new cards, for a total of 8 cards!

Note: This is a supplementary resource to help you implement Teaching Self-Government in your home. To successfully use this product, we recommend you have an understanding of the Teaching Self-Government program as contained in Parenting: A House United, Roles, and Popular Parenting Methods, or in the TSG Parenting Course, or in Parenting Mastery.

In stock (can be backordered)

Mentoring Journal

This book facilitates mentor sessions with your children — an integrated part of the Teaching Self-Government family system.

A family plan makes everyone feel secure and unified.  Planning time is also a great time to improve relationships and strengthen bonds.  Not only should we have a family plan and a statement to use to keep the family focused, but we need to have regular personal check-up meetings with our children to bond and to offer support with new events and issues.  A family who plans together and regularly talks about those plans will find increased happiness and success in their family and personal lives.

In stock

Support Group - 1 Month Free

The Teaching Self-Government Support Membership is designed to offer weekly TSG support for families as they are implementing self-government principles in their homes.

For many people, implementing a family self-government culture shift at home requires support. This is the reason Nicholeen made the TSG Parenting Course. She saw that families are more successful with self-government principles if they have support.

*Some items are provided as audio streams on our Stream Center, or as PDF downloads.

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