Support Call Archive
Here is what we discussed in this call.
- Invitation to participate in a TSG Survey- Help us give you what you want
- Story on Family Tutorial DVD- Why is the footage so rough?
- How do I slow down?
- How do we recover after lots of Play Time with other families?
- Summer homeschool
- Recommended music for home refinement
- Stuck on Step 2, Couple's Meetings
- What to do if my 13-yr-old daughter decides to leave, or if she is ever gone when I go to check on her at night
- What to do when younger children (ages 3 & 5) won’t stay in time-out
- How to introduce TSG to my 15-yr-old son
* On this call we had some technical difficulties with the computer, so there is a clip that may sound out of order because it was pasted in the place where it was on topic, which was different the live call- just so you know. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
- Nicholeen introduces Pennie Rumsey & Invites us to email Glenn Beck
- Awesome Success story of 20 month old boy doing Self-Government! If he can, anyone can!
- Play Time Rules
- Parents getting Consequences
- How to teach Disagreeing Appropriately for ages 3, 5, 8, 12? & How do I teach tolerance and not taking offense or getting annoyed for things that are harmless?
- Motivation to Change, Lying & Candy
- Food Addictions & Dishonesty
- Rule of 3- Where do I go from here?
- Controlling Siblings
- Raccoon Circle - Family Unity
- Mommy Blues –Needing Space
- Links & Announcements
Questions from Today's call, Nicholeen talked about:
- Mutual Respect
- Begging and Negative Attention Seeking
- SOCIAL ADDICTIONS-Breaking Computer Rules
- SOCIAL ADDICTIONS-Cell phones at church
- TSG for a 2 yr old
- Anxiety
- Delaying Consequences
What do I do with TSG when babysitting other peoples kids?
How can I talk to others about TSG?
Magic Pill solutions v.s. Work and Effort
Tough their hearts- it begins with empathy and not judging them
- Using TSG while babysiting other people's children
- Having respect for parent authority.
- How to handle several different scenarios, such as threatening, whining, controlling others, micromanagement, etc.
- What todo when your babysitters don't know the TSG language.
- Using treats for rewards
On this call we discussed
How do I repair a relationship that I was abusive in the past?
Repairing past abusive relationships, Repentance & Forgiveness,
"Transformation in ourselves inspires transformation in others."
Eye Contact, roll playing, Disagreeing appropriately, child led Family Meetings, Mentor sessions
When do I use the Rule of Three and When do I use ‘time out”?
-Fairness problems, Entitlement Issues
- Pre-teaching
In this call we discuss:
- What to do if your child sets up a Facebook account behind your back and then tries to harm you
- What to do if your toddler draws all over the house and the proper consequence
- Teaching Children to sit still
- How to handle a spouse who micro manages
- Finding good books online
On this call, we cover:
- Movie review websites
- What to do if your child seems tired all of the time
- Should children be "babysat" by TV while mom cleans and does other house hold chores?
- Curing entertainment addictions
- PLUS, a mini class by Nicholeen
On this call I answered questions about:
- Sexual Experimentation In Young Children
- The Way Nicholeen Chooses Movies She Will Watch
- Helping Others Become Less Selfish
- Teaching Young Children About Dating, Courtship, Kissing and Marriage
- Consequences for Siblings Fighting
- Children Manipulating at Bedtime
- Staying Consistent of Vacation
- Child With a Negative Attitude About Learning
On this call I answered questions about:
Children who don't like consequences
Children who wake up at night
Prayer as the cornerstone of Self-Government
Decreasing Morning Stress
Partially Following Instructions
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