Support Call Archive
Segment 2: Daughter In Detention
13 year-old daughter not accepting consequences led to calling the police
Power struggling and manipulation
Suggestions of what to do in court and how to talk to the Judge
Make sure he spells out clearly future consequences
You could try video taping yourself to see what is happening and analyze it
- Segment 1: Welcome and Announcements
- Segment 2: Daughter In Detention
- Segment 3: “Love and Logic” VS Teaching Self-Government
- Segment 4: Drama Queens Getting Hurt
- Segment 5: Success Story of Implementing TSG Without Hubby On Board
- Segment 6: Micromanaging Jelly Beans & Reluctant 7-Year-Old
- Segment 7: Finding Sources
- Segment 1: Welcome and Announcements
- Segment 2: Not Wanting to Listen to Disagree Appropriately
- Segment 3: How The System Works For Young Kids
- Segment 4 A: How The System Works For Older Kids – Emotional Manipulation
- Segment 4 B: How The System Works For Older Kids – 17-Year-Old Offended
- Segment 4 C: How The System Works For Older Kids – Out Of Instructional Control
- Segment 4 D: Older Kids – Running Away & Appropriate Consequences
- Segment 1: Setting Boundaries With New Friends & Social Training
- Segment 2: The Inspiration Pathway to Learning Piano
- Segment 3: Sexual Addictions and A.D.D.
- Segment 4: Rule of 3
- Segment 5: Small Success Story – Child Going to Class at Church
- Segment 6: Five-Year-Old With a Gas Can
- Segment 7: Definition Of Love
- Segment 8: Homeschool Helps
- Segment 9: Calm Down Spots For Toddlers
- Segment 10: The Burden of Emotional Weight
- Segment 11: Clingy Four-Year-Old With Social Fears
- Happy Birthday Nicholeen & Questions to Implementation Course Members
- How to Talk to Kids About Sex
- 7-Year-Old Out of Instructional Control
- Avoiding the Urge to CONTROL
- Disagreeing Appropriately Every Single Time
We had an amazing call today and Nicholeen was on fire! Did you feel it?
- Announcements
- Gluten-Free Eating
- Four-Year-Old Screaming “I'm calm!”
- Five Social Lessons Class – Girl's Camp
- Irreverence & Silliness
- Helping the Strong-Willed Child
- Appropriate Boundaries & Disagreeing Appropriately With Your Spouse
- No more TV at Our House
- Boundaries for Climbing Babies
- Unconditional Love
- Appropriate Ages to Talk to My Children About Sex and Pornography
On this call we had a guest speaker, Aneladee Milne. In the call Aneladee gets real with Nicholeen about
- How to fight the plague of addiction
- What to do if you even suspect your child is addicted
- What could happen if you don't talk about it
- Story from Nicholeen of when she didn't listen to that feeling
- The Creepy Guy Detector- learning how to read addictions in others
- Statistics: As of 2012 60% of 8 year old boys have been exposed to porn. Of those, 60% of those exposed become addicted. By age 11, 94% of boys have been exposed.
- The Myth that children don't get addicted to porn and if they do get exposed they can easily overcome it. Signs of how to know when someone is addicted
- Acknowledging feelings & coming to terms that it happened
- Story from Nicholeen of what she did the first time she found out<
- What happens in the brain of a porn addict: Synaptic pathways are killed
- Natural-man instincts to provide, protect, & pro-create
- Pattern of how addicts choose to do it again
- How to get training on helping others stuck in addictions
- How to avoid communicating feelings of shame and guilt that will drive them deeper into their addictions
- New part of dating: Women are the holders of Virtue- How to help the guy
- True story of her daughter dating addict & her son being addicted
- How to talk to an 8 yr old about porn: our bodies are so amazing and they are under attack
- Food addictions