Support Call Archive
11 tips to prevent mommy burn-out.
Nicholeen mentors a family on how to make their daily routines more productive.
Also mentored a family on adopting a family standard with teenage children.
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Nicholeen mentors two families on how to handle problems at thier homes.
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On this call we talked about inviting children to change as opposed to chastising them.
We also discussed beginning the Implementation Course and when it might be a good time to wait for Implementing.
Last we discussed disagreeing appropriately and what to do if they keep disagreeing over and over again.
As we have been making our weekly confrence call recordings, we have realized that it is really hard to find just one subject from a ceartain call. The purpose of this page is to help you find a certain topic or subject quickly and hassle free. All segments will be downloadable.
WOW! What a great call this was. Millionaire, business and money expert, Jerry Norton, spoke to us about how to talk to our children about money and how to prepare them for financial success when they are young. Oh, was this call ever insightful for me! You will love what Jerry has to say and the listening to our fun conversation.
This call is divided into four parts because the original stopped recording halfway through the call.
The first part is about my new favorite word: Pedantry.
This part discusses how much media time is healthy for a teen.
This segment talks about how to make a family standard when your spouse was raised differently than yourself.
In this call we talked about
1. What Nicholeen thinks about school drama classes
2. How to stay calm when your children aren't
3. What does it look like when a parent lives their mission while raising children?