Support Call Archive
The 7 Laws of Getting What You Want
Why I say, "I need you to....." during the Rule of Three
What do you do when your children are always taking offense by each other?
How do you help the big ones understand the little one's development stages?
On this call I answered questions about:
1. Covey's Win/Win principle continued from last week, and entitlement issues
2. Self Transformation (Step 2)
3. Correcting Spouses Assertively (Step 2)
4. Balance between low tolerances and accepting and trusting (Family Economy)
5. How toddlers learn self-government
6. Disagreeing appropriately too much and too long (Steps 6 & 7)
On this call I answered many different parenting questions, and discussed parenting principles which need to be understood.
These are the topics I addressed:
1. Hypocrisy is easy to see, but difficult to recognize
2. Seven year old who lies
3. A disrespectful 25 year old daughter
4. How do you implement the Rule of Three in a family of teenagers?
5. Challenges with changing the family parenting structure
6. Can Teaching Self-Government parenting be win/win?
On this call I answered questions about:
1. Back Talking
2. Helping husbands stay calm when they aren't used to it.
3. Teasing siblings and Accepting No Answers
4. Learning to accept siblings at play time
5. 16 year old boys and what it takes to become a man. (clarification on ROLES)
This call we discussed:
1. Tips For Dealing With The Stresses Of Life
2. The Rule of Three Progression
3. Downloading Problems
4. Helping Your Family Understand Their Specific Roles
5. Children Who Fake Illnesses and Dishonesty
On this call I answered many questions:
1. Teenagers who don't want to do what parents say.
2. Teens who give in to other people's standards under pressure.
3. Proper balance of seeking to understand and consequences
4. Following through with chores earned.
5. Passive Aggressive Behaviors and EXACTLY how to use the Rule of Three
This was a question and answer call. Thetopics were:
1. The Importance of Memorial Day Observance
2. Trusting in yourself as you learn new skills
3. A big break through for Pennie.
4. 8 year old hitting and tantruming and how to do a "soft hold"
5. 16 year old addicted to gaming
6. Helping 2 year olds understanding the language
7. Changing your heart and changing your spouse's heart and helping him/her want to do TSG
Questions, Questions, Questions: On this call I answered many questions.
- What to do about too much computer time
- Child getting overwhelmed by chores
- Appropriate dress standards issue
- Following instructions
- Homeschool mom feeling likea failure--having a hard time acheiving goals
- Being consistent
- Children who try to guilt trip their parents
- Passive Agressive children
- Manipulative children
- Connecting with children
- SODAS for toddlers
- What if they don't do ALL the steps for a skill?
- Having effective consequences
- Attention seeking behaviors and reading your child's needs
In this call Nicholeen interviews Spencer about fatherhood. He talks about some of the hard parts. His transformation as a parent and what key things fathers need to do to make strong Self-government families.
The first one hour of this call I spoke with a parent about what to do when you have a friend or family member who confides in you about possible abuse situation. How to research more details and making a plan to help the troubled teen.
Next I answered questions about how to set up a homeschool structure which will be encourage academic excellence.
Last I answered questions about how to help small children choose to be in control when they are not able to follow instructions.