Many years ago, my four-year-old son awoke me one morning and said, “Mom, I don’t remember what home looks like, but I do remember what you look like.”
I was amazed that in less than two weeks, Porter had forgotten what our home in Tooele, Utah looked like.He hadlived in the house his whole life.
While thinking about this statement, I realized how profound his observation was.People forget things quickly.They tend to feel like whatever the “NOW” feels like or looks like is what life has always been like.This is why many people don’t really notice change after the first day or two.
I tell everyone who takes my classes to go home and write down their 20-year vision for their family.I tell them to share the vision to their family and talk about it.I add how important it isto constantly remind your family about this vision.
My son’s statement all those years agoabout not remembering home is exactly why we have to constantly remind our families what our vision looks like.They will forget in a week or so if it isn’t ever mentioned at home, and soon it will seem like there never was a vision because there isn’t one right now.
I remember after speaking to my four-year-old about what his room looked like and what other things in our house looked like, he was able to see home even though he isn’t there yet. After our discussion, he was really excited to go home!
Now, will you remember to not only write down your family vision, but also share it — and share it often?