Have A Mission Book

In order to teach our children how to govern themselves in a family setting, we have to give them a vision, or picture of what the family is working toward. This vision, or goal, begins the family’s mission. The vision, goal, or dream is the first thing the family starts with to acheive mission.

The concept of personal mission and family mission is both inspiring and overwhelming. Will it be hard to do? Why were we picked for this mission? Why don’t I have my personal mission yet? The list of questions could continue.

A Mission Book

I have found a book that tells a parable about mission. The book is called “The Dream Giver”by Bruce Wilkinson. This book makes “mission” easier to understand. I was very inspired with the truths and parable which I found in The Dream Giver today.

I hope this book makes developing a family/personal mission easier.

We’re Here For A Reason

God put us all hear for a reason. We can either find out what that reason is and do something about it, or not. I wouldn’t want to have to explain to my Heavenly Father what I did do with my family and life if I didn’t find my mission or do it though.

Peck Family Mission Statement: repeated daily

“We the Peck Family will love, support, and be united with one another. We are dedicated to building an atmosphere of trust, faith and learning in our home. We spread love and happiness to others. We know that we are children of God, and endevor to return to his presence as an eternal family. We have wisdom in our relationships. Heavenly Father guides and loves each of us so that we can fulfill our lifes missions.



These Will Help

