Support Gems

Gender Confessions: Valuing Men & Women Part 1

[Support Group Gem Video] The Mother Stereotype
A friend of mine recently shared this video with me. It is very clever and I must admit that my first inclination was to laugh when I saw it. The video has become widely popular on the internet due to its ability to appeal to all people and because of its cleverness.

Problem Solving In The Snow! 5 Steps To Self-Government
I believe in raising strong, problem solving children! Today Paije, my sixteen year old daughter had the chance to learn problem solving in a whole

[Support Group Gem Audio] The Definition Of Love
“I’ve had a hard time feeling love for my children. How do I begin to feel love for them? How do you define love?” Read to find the Definition of Love!

[Support Group Gem] Laws And Family Leadership
Our world is a world of law and order. The laws of the land may be just or unjust, but for all time there have been laws. There have been laws for government, laws for clubs and organizations, laws for the workplace, laws for God’s people, and laws for homes.

Video: 15 Year Old Boy Honors Dad As Hero For Learning Self-Government
What will your youth think about self-government when you finally get it all working? This movie tells. Weston, age 15 talks about his father’s transformation