Video Gem 7-4-13 The Space of Freedom

Happy family running outside

The Space Of Freedom

by Pennie Rumsey

How does a family standard help us find freedom?

I remember about 5 years ago when I started studying freedom. The more I learned, the more I realized I had no clue what it really was. I thought freedom was getting what ever I wanted. Since then I have learned that freedom and safety comes between the space of boundaries and responsibility.

The Space

One day I was working on a sewing project with one of my daughters when I was asking her to cut a string for me. I put my thumbs on the string and said, “Cut anywhere between thumbs.” I was surprised to realize how much it related to freedom because there is a space of safety when we have the proper boundaries. I was really okay with her choosing to cut anywhere in the space, but another choice would have resulted in someone getting hurt, which would have been me since I had my fingers on the string.

To create a space of freedom is to create an environment of growth. It is a place where there are clear boundaries and the consequences of crossing the boundaries are understood well in advance. We can create this environment by investing time to clearly define our own Family Standard.

Communicated Expectations

Before I learned about Teaching Self-Government, I had a problem communicating my expectations to my children. I had a lot of expectations but I was not very good about being assertive enough to let my children know where the boundaries were ahead of time. My bad communication skills caused me a lot of anxiety and and my family a lot of frustration.


This week’s Video Gemis about how to create a family standard.

Challenge Assignment

I challenge you to first define your expectations on your own. Decide what it is that you are okay with and what you are not okay with. If you do not establish your boundaries, no one else is going to be able to respect them. After you have your own expectations clarified, then talk to your spouse about their expectations. Then have a family meeting inviting your children to add their input as described in this video. When you have taken these steps you will be ready to sit down and make your family’s constitution which is your family standard. It will set the space in your home of what is okay and what is not. Without a family standard a family will wander and not reach their full potential. It is the parents job to create the environment with boundaries and it is the child’s job to learn obedience.

The Paradigm of Freedom

Work leads to freedom, unity, and love. Just letting things slide and taking the path of least resistance by doing nothing eventually leads to the stagnant waters of apathy, selfishness, and mediocrity. It will not be a harvest you will enjoy. We do not need to do everything all at once, but we must continue to work on one thing at a time. Look to the truth to lead you to the light, and shut out the lies that will keep you stuck. It’s your choice.

There can be no collective social freedom without personal discipline. Freedom starts with one, then two, then a family, then a community, and then a country. This is why we feel so passionate about what we do here at Teaching Self-Government. Because it will increase your personal freedom, and eventually our social freedom.

To Your Freedom,

Pennie Rumsey

Student Inspirer

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