Support Call Archive
On this call Nicholeen talks about what to do when you feel like you "hit a wall"
- What to do when yourspouse doesn't care about solving problems at home
- How to group problem solve effectively
- And.....When it is right to say no to people outside the family when they want your time too.
On this call Nicholeen answered questions about:
- What a Mom School looks like. This question originated from my section in the book Educational Success by Nicholas Pond
- Multiple questions about educational approaches and philosophies
- If you can "graduate" from using the standard correction language to something else
- How to become more of a "fun mom." (Nicholeen shared 10 tips for making motherhood more fun!)
This call covers two different topics.
- The first part covers what to do if your child exhibits severe behavioral problems.
- The second part discusses motivating homeschoolchildren to do their school work.
On this call I answered questions about:
- Using the Rule of Three
- And how to keep the home clean
- I shared my 10 tips for making a house of order
On this call Nicholeen discussed:
- Different types of depression and how to help a child with depression
- More understanding of Praise
- And, How to manage out of control children when you don't feel well. (morning sickness)
On this call Nicholeen shared:
- Five Tips For School Success
- And Answered Questions About Electronics Addiction and How to Remove Them
- And Tips For Using The Rule of Three
On this call Nicholeen answered questions about:
- Pornography Addiction
- Positive Reinforcement Systems
- 4 year old misbehaving at church
- Spouse not wanting to do TSG
A three year old who manipulates her family with controlling behaviors
A manipulative son who won't accept no answers
Other tidbits of wisdom
On this call I interviewed veteran educator, Yvonne Averett, about the four H's of learning and living. These four H's apply to changing a heart and learning self-government.
Getting Chores Done
Appropriate Neighbor Boundaries, and How To Keep Children Safe
Accepting No Answers when Mom Doesn't Really Say No