Support Call Archive
- Retracting a consequence earned & Focusing on the principles behind the skills
- Distractions for 16 year olds & Social Time for Teens
- Using a planner and TSG
- Dangers of Snacks as rewards
- Will they hate chores forever?
- Calming yourself
- Keeping the House In Order When it is against your nature – some tips
- Saying No to Creative Parenting
- What to do when family members are not on board with the family vision
- What to do when young children experiment sexually
- What to do when a child seeks negative attention or "tests your consistency"
- Coddling VS Compassion
- Teenager Studying and LyingHabits
This call covers:
- Correcting behavior while traveling and what to do when you have different standards from the people you are visiting.Falling off the TSG wagon and getting back up.What to do when you spouse isn't on board.
- 14 year old manipulative son and Disagreeing Appropriately
- Loss of privileges on a Sunday. Daughter plans her loss of privileges to happen when she can't lose them.
- Discouragement
- When and how to teach the family the TSG program
- Children's friends who keep bringing electronic devices to the house. What to do about it.
- Role Play Ideas for making it more fun, staying away from bribing and the upcoming video
- Pulling yourself out of a slump
- The four levels of learning self-government (new content)
- And I answered a question about a step-father who is not relating well with his step-son
This call covers:
- Responding to violent behaviors
- Whining from age 5 daughter
- Facebook no answers for young children
- Motivational Systems for non-focused children
On this call I answered questions about:
- Children who don't want to shower
A four year old child who disrupts church classes
- Using time out more effectively with toddlers
- And, Understanding SODAS better
On this call I answered questions about:
- Dishonesty
- Attitude Problems
- Toddler Bed and Nap Times
- Siblings Fighting
- Personality Types
On this call I talked about:
Anxiety and Disconnection From The Family
School Decisions and Success
Homeschool Choices and Educational Ownership
Children Getting Distracted at Study Time
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