Support Call Archive

Support Call 7-31-15

This call covers:

  • Teaching homeschool while keeping the house clean. How do I keep it all going?
  • We're new to TSG and have 4 children. Our 14-year-old is struggling with following instructions and being calm. What do we do?
  • My aged 14 son has come back to live with me after being a whole year with his dad and in public school with no boundaries. He says he hates me, won't do anything I say, and does anything he can to show me how much he dislikes me. How do I help him?
  • What happens when you've gone through the Rule of Three and your child isstillout of control. What do I do?

Support Call 7-24-15

This call covers:

  • The meaning of pioneers
  • How to fix complacency at home and at work
  • Age 11 son is constantly whining. How to help him be okay
  • Keeping two 14-month-old babies from hurting themselves during a tantrum
  • Knowing what the appropriate amount of friend time for young children is
  • Being emotionally attached to a "no" answer, including in role plays
  • Helping age 5 son see that he hasearneda consequence, not that it wasgiven
  • Explaining the "why" of boundaries
  • Gaining respect for adults outside of your own family

Support Call 7-17-15

This call covers:

  • Is "going to the realms of fantasy" the same as negative attention-seeking?
  • Children learning to follow instructions with or without the specific TSG language.
  • How to use TSG with an aged 16 daughter who knows no boundaries and who must go to court for her behaviors.
  • When given a "no" answer, how to recognize and correct manipulation.
  • My husband thinks I'm too quick to correct behaviors and he doesn't like the 24-hrs loss of privileges "punishment."
  • How to have family meetings with grown children.

Support Call 7-10-15

This call covers:

  • How to use TSG with children with high-functioning Aspergers
  • How to stay calm when your children don't come when you call.

Support Call 7-3-15

This call covers:

  • Accepting a consequence and having "calm down time" before going through the Rule of Three.
  • Siblings ages 2 and 3 having a hard time playing nicely. What do I do?
  • Age 3 daughter has started sticking out her tongue when she gets an instruction. How do I correct this young version of an attitude problem?

Support Call 6-26-15

This call covers:

  • Taking the time to disagree appropriately shows respect to the other person
  • How to use TSG when babysitting your siblings or someone else's children
  • Does moving a lot contribute to social anxiety?
  • How well does TSG work with High-Functioning Aspergers?
  • Is everything in a Family Standard a standing instruction?

Support Call 6-19-15

This call covers:

  • Instructional control for age 10
  • Clarification on what "loss of privileges" really means and looks like
  • Becoming more comfortable with TSG and staying consistent
  • Advising a friend on her and her spouse's parenting styles and other elements of TSG
  • Chore systems

Support Call 6-12-15

This call covers:

  • If my child starts whining after they get a No answer, do I start the Rule of Three or do I just tell them that I want to know what the have to say but they have to stop whining first?
  • How do I use TSG with my almost-two toddler?
  • My kids sometimes whine while asking to disagree appropriately. Should I let them disagree or tell them to be calm?
  • How do I teach my children that they can't control others, only themselves?

Support Call 6-5-15

This call covers:

  • "McFarland USA" and character and strength.
  • I need ideas for what to do in the summer months when it's too hot to go outside to play (AZ).Also, my 11 year-old son is constantly reading and avoiding people and social situations, just like his dad. He has no friends and he reads things that aren't necessarily of use. What do I do?
  • I've found out that my 9 year-old son has been swearing at school, but when I ask him if he has, he denies it strongly. How do I help him see that this is wrong?
  • I'm trying to help my 5 year-old son understand natural and synthetic consequences and roles.
  • I'm having a hard time finding the right medication for my 7 year-old ADHD daughter. What she's on now seems to be helping at school, but not at home. Suggestions?

Support Call 5-22-15

This call covers:

  • My age 17 daughter is having too much online social time and isn't spending time with the family when she is home. How can I help her?
  • When my son was younger, he threw something at me that required me to go to the hospital. Sometimes, when his siblings are mad at him, they'll bring up the incident and tell him "what a bad person" he is. How do I help him through this?
  • My age 14 son has struggled with an almost daily masturbation addiction. We've gone to the bishop and made goals, but he keeps falling back into old habits. What do we do to help him overcome this issue?

