Support Call Archive
This call covers:
- Sometimes people ask my opinion about parenting. Most of the time they just want a "quick fix." What can I tell them?
- "Work is the antidote for a sick character." What if all you do is work? Then, isplaythe antidote?
- Son is 13 and in puberty, but he shows no empathy for others around him. How can that be fixed?
- 4-year-old daughter is picky about clothes and won't wear anything she doesn't like. This gets expensive and frustrating. What to do?
- I have a 16-month-old granddaughter who loves to get into things. She doesn't like no answers. How can I help her accept no answers at such a young age?
This call covers:
- Family meetings and the changing seasons
- Questioning if LEMI and TJED are the right choice for your family
- Concerns with church callings.
This call covers:
- Resolutions: repentance and deliberate action.
- How to structure family scripture study with a wide age range of children.
- A good system to keep the house clean.
- Son is obsessed with making money so that he can buy video games that we don't approve of. Help!
- Raging and manipulation when going through the Rule of Three.
This call covers:
- My 2-year-old son is very stubborn and strong-willed and he "pushes back" at me, but not at Dad. What do I do about this?
- All of my children are dawdling through their chores and their school. How do I help them overcome that?
- How does "say okay and be okay" work with no answers? Mychildren cry, whine, and get attitude problems when they don't get their way.
This call covers:
- A reluctance to make a family vision because husband is a different religion and doesn't share the same beliefs and ideas.
- Son disagrees appropriately witheveryinstruction he's given. What to do with that.
- Limit on son's TV time, but he didn't want to accept it and he started a power struggle with me.
- a 2 1/2 year-old son has to have everything his way or he throws a tantrum. He doesn't really understand TSG stuff yet.
- Age 5 daughter can't accept no answers or criticism. When she's corrected, her self-esteem drops and she deflates. She says she's not good enough and her ideas are not good enough.
This call covers:
- HUGE deals for this weekend! Get TSG merchandise and classes for great deals and get gifts for others!
- Black Friday and Kenya update/"discussion"
- My 9-year-old has put only expensive things on his Christmas list that I don't want him to have. How do I deal with that?
- I don't really like family gatherings because my extended family judges how we parent. I'm sure they think we're "uptight. What do I do?
- How do I stop kids from becoming spoiled and entitled at Christmas, especially with blended families where lots of gifts are given?
- My age 6 son broke something at my sister-in-law's while we were there for Thanksgiving. This seems to happen a lot. I feel like this affects our extended family relationships. What can I do to keep those relatioships in tact?
This call covers:
- Son wants to join the local performing arts program, but we don't like the environment in that group. But, we havn't told him no yet because we're afraid of the HUGE fight thatwillhappen. Thoughts?
- What are some of the issues that are the same in Kenya as here in the US?
This call covers:
- 2 1/2 year-old son seems to always be getting into trouble, not sure if it's intentional. Also, for 3 1/2 year-old daughter and him, if they don't follow instructions, should I be using the "calm down spot" instead of an extra chore?
My son will not follow instructions. He is 11 and just won’t. What do I do if he just calmly turns away from me every time I ask him to do something?
How do I help my 20 year old son to go back to school? Do I push it or just let it be since he is now an adult? What do I do? Can I make him?
This call covers:
- World Congress of Families update and November Conference call info
- We just found out that my teenage son is cutting, depressed, and possibly suicidal. We try to talk to him, but he plugs his ears and hums. How do we handle this?
- My 6-year-old son has developed a new habit of negativity and being down on himself. I thought it was manipulation, but now I'm not so sure. Thoughts?
- Our 15-year-old son's room isalwaysmessy. We've tried to get him to clean it, but he just won't and it's the source of a lot of our battles. Suggestions?
This call covers:
- Upcoming Schedule changes. Mark them on your calendar!
- My son can't seem to accept a chore during playtime. He's fine when it's chore time, but other than that, he has a breakdown when I ask him to do even the simplest things.
- How old should my children be for me to give them chores? When can they do them?
- One of my sons goes to and through the Rule of Three often. But, it seems that the more calm I am, the more angry he is. How do I fix that?