3 yr old tantrums

What should I say or do, to encourage my 3 yr old to accept a “no” answer, to drop the subject, and move on? I tell her she is in a calm down spot, and that she needs to get calm, but she keeps fussing and fussing and fussing.
Sometimes I try to pre teach while she is still fussing, or when the fussing seems to lessen up. I’ll say, “Right now, you are fussing, and that is not what we should do because it makes everyone unhappy. What you should do is keep a calm voice, face, and body, say,”OK” and forget about it. But, she keeps fussing.
Sometimes I try referring to the books. She loves Paige takes the stage and London LaRay says OK, but doesn’t really hear me while she is fussing.
Should I just ignore her until she is calm?

