In this episode, Nicholeen and Paije have some deeper discussion about pessimism and optimism, what they really mean, and how they affect us. Do you struggle seeing the “silver lining” in your daily situations? Are your children struggling with happiness? Listen in for some great insight and for a plan to become more optimistic!
Episode 131 – Helping the Family Have and Share Optimism

- Abuse, Adult Children, Adults, Analyzing, Anxiety, Assertive Communication, Attitude, Authority, Balance, Bullying, Changing Hearts, Character Building, Common Vision Creation, Connecting (Looking in the eyes), Control, Correcting, Couple Relationship, Culture, Depression, Describe, Dropping the subject, Education, Emotions, Encouragement, Entitlement, Expectations, Family Culture, Grandparents, Homeschool, Manipulation, Marriage Relationship, Media, Mission, Motivating and Inspiration, Negative attention-seeking, No Answers, Out of Instructional Control, Power of Calm, Power Struggling, Praise, Private School, Problem Solving, Public School, Relationships, Respect, Roles, Seek to Understand, Sibling Interactions, Social, Social Skills, Teens (Youth), Tweens