In this episode, Nicholeen and Paije discuss seven signs that indicate emotions being stuffed or shoved down. Comments have been made that TSG is all about keeping emotions at bay, but that simply isn’t true! Do you sometimes feel like you struggle to process your emotions or don’t even realize you’re getting stuck in them until it’s too late? You’re not alone. Listen in for these seven signs and see if you could use some help!
Episode 132 – 7 Signs You’re Stuffing Your Emotions

- Adult Children, Adults, Analyzing, Assertive Communication, Changing Hearts, Character Building, Control, Correcting, Couple Relationship, Culture, Depression, Emotions, Entitlement, Family Culture, Manipulation, Marriage Relationship, Negative attention-seeking, Power Struggling, Pre-Teach, Problem Solving, Public School, Respect, Rule of Three (ages 6-8+), Sibling Interactions, Social Skills, Spouse, Teens (Youth), Toddlers & Younger Children, Tone, Tweens, Urgency Addictions