Parenting Blog

by Nicholeen Peck Children sometimes say, “I wish my parents would stop getting involved in my life.” But is that what they really want? This idea of having total freedom without any oversight, teaching, or correction sounds very attractive to a child . However, when a person looks at the long-term effects on children who […]

by Nicholeen Peck   Many parents want their children to learn to take responsibility for themselves: to learn self-government. A self-governed person, no matter the age, will be able to show the following characteristics. They can: give themselves instructions, follow through on commitments, accept the consequences of life, talk openly with people, discuss a difference […]

There are times when I do things I wouldn’t normally do just because I wouldn’t normally do it. It’s a kind of self-check to make sure that I’m still open-minded and hopeful, instead of resting in a bias. Allow me to give you some context into my life so that you can understand why it […]

by Nicholeen Peck As parents, my husband and I hope that our children will succeed as parents. My daughter, Paije, has exceeded my parenting expectations with her little toddler daughter, Clara. The skills that Paije has taught Clara to help her do self-regulation and self-calming are good skills for 21-month-olds, however, these self-government skills that […]

by Nicholeen Peck   Self-government, a key principle of individual and societal freedom, is culturally rejected by some academics. This malicious movement, if adopted by society, will undermine our cultures, our families, our economies, and our personal empowerment. Luckily, the solution to cultural warfare has a simple yet powerful and effective solution; strengthen the people […]

by Nicholeen Peck Honoring self-evident family roles promotes increased family identity, a functional family culture, and secure children. In order to honor the family roles of children and parents, it’s vital that we understand what family roles are and how they help us succeed. Misconceptions about roles have confused so many people and discouraged young […]

