Gem: Seeing Eye To Eye

Seeking To Understand

Have you ever been in a relationship where you seemed to be stuck in a deadlock on your opinions?

I have been working on a relationship where we see things SO differently! We communicate differently. We work to get things differently.We also see differentlywhat we need to do in the present to get the results we want in the future.

All of us know that we need to seek to understand because of so many great books of wisdom that have been printed in the past. We may even want to understand. Eventually our heart leads us to come to a place where we ask “How do I really understand their heart when we see things so differently?”

Seeking to understand is truly the journey from selfish to sacrifice. Obviously the expanse cannot be traveled in one day. There is, however, one thing each of us can do today to take one step forward in this direction – no matter where we are along this path of life right now.

If you want to take a step toward truly understanding another person's heart, ask yourself this question:

“What do I need to sacrifice so I can gain more understanding of their heart?”

As I have been seeking to understand this week, I have realized that by judging another person's motive it built a wall so that I could not understand their heart. After I stopped judging their motive, I was able to see the truth behind their action. In fact, I came to see that we actually do want the same thing.

This week's Gem is a short clip from the Step 4 class on the Implementation Course called “Seeking to Understand”.

Our desire to understand is the biggest factor stopping us from understanding. To truly understand their heart, we have to want it.

To the victory of your family,

Pennie Rumsey

Student Inspirer



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