Mentor Training
To become a Certified TSG Mentor it is required that you first attend a Parenting Mastery event or complete the TSG Parenting Course.
Also be sure to read this entire page before you continue as no refunds will be given upon purchase.
This certification will take place online and over video communications.
We are finally offering you the opportunity to join Nicholeen for TSG Mentor Certification Online!
You will get personally mentored by Nicholeen on your Teaching Self-Government skills and family relationships as well as on your public speaking and presenting skills and how to live your personal mission as well as how to balance family and mission and how to make money helping families learn about the TSG principles that you already love!
One time sign-up fee of $599
Annual certification maintained by assisting in seminars, or with a $250 certification fee
What this course consists of:
- 3-days worth of video training. This training was recorded live and is provided “as is.” While the training was edited, it is raw footage that is intended to provide you the necessary content you need to be certified.
- Upon completion of the video training you will be invited to schedule a call with Nicholeen. Plan for up to 2.5 hours for this call. Nicholeen will test your knowledge of TSG and certify that you are prepared to begin offering TSG courses.
- Once you are certified and you have paid your certification fee you will be sent all needed materials to teach courses as well as additional training resources. When purchasing your mentor training, you can either purchase the training with or without the certification fee. The certification fee is required to become certified to teach the TSG program. If you don’t purchase the certification at first, you will be allowed to purchase it as part of your approval to become a certified mentor.
- After you become a certified TSG mentor, then you’ll be eligible for the following free benefits.
Benefits to being a TSG Mentor:
- Intimate 1 on 1 Teaching Self-Government and Success Mentoring with Nicholeen Peck
- 3 days worth of online video training recorded live with a small group of others dedicated to helping families getting special instruction from Nicholeen. Not only does Nicholeen cover TSG in greater depth and detail, but she also trains you on how to be successful in your personal life mission.
- Yearly live training with Nicholeen exclusive to TSG Mentors at no extra cost. (Nicholeen usually demands a minimum of $2,000 + travel costs to speak to people like this, but you get her for free!)
- This live training will happen the day prior to the annual TSG Conference in the summer. TSG Certified Mentors who attend will be recognized at the conference.
- Wholesale prices on all Teaching Self-Government Materials
- This will be a fantastic way for mentors to earn money through teaching TSG. Wholesale prices are the best we offer.
- You will have the option to be listed on our website as a certified TSG Mentor
- A special section of the website will list you as someone that people can call for hire for support to teach Teaching Self-Government.
- If we are contacted by an event near you with a request for someone to teach Self-Government, we may contact you to see if you are available to teach at the event.
- Learn how to host events and post them on the TSG Website
- You will be trained on how to host and teach a TSG Parenting Course. Materials and support will be provided to your attendees.
- You will be given special access and training on how to add events to the TSG Website allowing you to advertise events you organize or are involved in to those already interested in Teaching Self-Government.
- Monthly Mentor Call where you will receive continued training, get answers to your questions, and be able to learn from what other mentors are doing to be successful. ($640 per year value)
- Preferred access to Nicholeen directly for questions.
- Annual Support Group membership included as long as you maintain your certification. ($190 per year value)
- Be part of the exclusive TSG Mentor social media groups and get to know and work with other inspiring people who have TSG in common with you.
- Huge discounts (usually FREE) on any future training, Parenting Mastery, or other TSG events. (Potential value of over $2000 per year)
- Be known as a TSG Parenting EXPERT! (Priceless)
Access to the TSG Parenting Course
This is our premiere Teaching Self Government Course. It takes about 8 weeks, though you can go at your own pace.
- 10 easy to use modules, suitable for quick/in depth learning
- Downloadable PDF workbook pages for each lesson
- Group live mentoring calls with certified TSG mentor
- Weekly Support Group calls with Nicholeen
- Downloadable version of the cue cards, meeting forms, and choices map.
- Teaching Self-Government 15-Lesson Family Tutorial included FREE (Viewable on the website, no DVD)
- Online videos of actual parenting interactions
- Lifetime access to online course materials
- More in-depth understanding of self-government and personal self-mastery
- Stronger relationship strategies for husband/wife relationship
- Suggested assignments for implementation success

Access to the Deep Dive
This course is a recreation of the Implementation Course, which is a “deep dive” into the principles taught in the TSG Parenting Course. Parents wanting a deeper understanding of that class will love the depth of this course!
The Deep Dive includes over dozens videos, audios, and articles including:
- The Power of Calm
- Training the Heart
- Cultural Parenting Revolution
- 5 Social Lessons Every Child Must Know
- Leadership Education at Your House
- Digital journal materials
- Digital Cue Cards
- Digital Choices Map
- And over 100 individual lessons, including optional bonus materials!
What does it mean to be a certified Teaching Self-Government Mentor?
Being certified as a Teaching Self-Government Mentor means that you will be recognized as someone who has been thoroughly trained to be able to help anyone with their parenting problems. You will be prepared to assess situations to determine a proper plan of action.
What else do I need to know before I continue?
After you have been trained, you must be certified with Nicholeen. You may maintain your certification by doing one of the following each year:
- Teaching at least one seminar (which we will help prepare you for)
- Teaching at one of the Parenting Mastery events annually (which we will help prepare you for)
- Or an annual payment of $250
Taking the Mentor Training Course does NOT guarantee you will become a certified mentor. Teaching Self-Government reserves the right to deny certification for ANY reason. During the final interview with Nicholeen you will be tested on your knowledge and ability to competently teach TSG. After the interview a decision will be made whether or not you will be eligible for certification. If it’s decided that you are NOT eligible, there will be no refunds for the mentor training.
All Mentors Certified by Teaching Self-Government must sign and agree to the Mentor Legal Agreement.