Audio Gem: Parenting The Hero Generation

Your children are amazing, aren’t they? I love the book called “The 4th Turning” to help remind us that we are raising a generation of heroes. For most of us that means that we are doing something differently than when we were raised. It means taking all the good that we were given and making it better for all our children. Like Isaac Newton said, “If I have seen farther it is bystanding on the shoulders of giants.” This is what Stephen R. Covey meant when he talked about being a ‘transitional figure’. We can actually change the history of our family tree by seeking to leave our children a legacy.I believe as parents that we can allow our children to stand on our shoulders by giving them the skills of Teaching Self-Government to help them rise to a higher level of living.

This week’s Gem is from a recent Support call. If you’ve already heard it, then listen with new ears to see how you can leave that legacy for your children. Think of all the good your parents gave you and what you want to give your children that can be better. That is what it means to me to be a good parent- not that we are perfect parents or even that we stay perfectly calm all the time. Being a good parent means we are changing ourselves, and working to lift our children onto our shoulders.

In this Gem Nicholeen talks about her recent holiday experiences and a talk she had with her mother. I love it all, but especially the part where she talks about the trends of what is happening in the world right now. I love to see this bigger perspective to understand how we fit into the bigger scheme of things.

Listein to this week’s Gem Here(Left click to listen, or right click to download.)

Being a good parentis hard, but leaving them a legacy of something better is the best thing we can do to help raise them up so they can be the hero generation they were born to be.

To the victory of your children,

Pennie Rumsey



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