The Power of Christmas

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This is a mini-class that was created on a Support Call.

May the lessons, joy and blessings of Christmas linger with your family all year long!

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This is a mini-class that was created on a Support Call. ย It talks about:

How Scrooge does The 4 Keys of Self-Government
How to get excited that your journey is taking you closer toย your vision
How bondage causes human blindness
How to give help people see reason if they are in a selfish place
Teaching children to help others understand they are perceived by others
Helping kids see how their actions affect other people
Cause and effect โ€” connecting the lessons of the past and present to forge a brighter future
How Scrooge comes to realize that he is missing happiness
The joy parents feel when they help their children break free from bondage
How this story relates to each of our stories ofย self-government
How to discuss this with your family to help them see theย Power of Christmas

May the lessons, joy and blessings of Christmas linger with your family all year long!

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