Parenting: A House United 2nd Edition

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Is your home in crisis? Do your children never do what they are told? Do you find yourself completely overwhelmed and hating to interact with your children? Do your children treat you with disrespect and cause contention at home? Are you out of control of your emotions as a parent too? If any of these descriptions sound like your house, then you might be in crisis and you will definitely benefit from reading this book. It is written for you. This book is also written for people who donโ€˜t want to ever have a home like I have described above and for parents who want to have an effectively communicating family right from the very beginning of parenthood.

Parenting: A House United Second Edition has taken me more years to complete than the first edition took. I, and a team of dedicated editors and content reviewers, have worked for 5 years on this project to better help heal and strengthen your family relationships. The mission of Teaching Self-Government is to free families around the world from the emotional bondage that breaks family bonds, isolates family members, causes stress and frustration, increases anxiety and lack of understanding, and decreases familial happiness and unified purpose. This book is now fully ready to be the key ingredient to that journey toward family freedom and unity.

Parenting: A House United is based on Nicholeenโ€™s popular seminar series Teaching Self-Government. This book shows parents the communication skills they need to teach their children to govern themselves. With the proper family environment and understanding of childhood behaviors homes can become happier. Even if families simply implement some of Nicholeenโ€™s tested parenting principles their family life will improve. Nicholeenโ€™s candid story telling style and experience with tough teens makes the book usable and a joy to read for all. Even if you have heard Nicholeen speak before you canโ€™t pass this book up. It promises new stories, examples, valuable question and answer and further insights never before shared.

Weight 1.8 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 8 × 1 in

