The Battle’s End
Un-arguably the hardest part of parenting is knowing what to do when your child has a tantrum, an attitude problem, or needs to be corrected for a new negative behavior. Just like anything we become good at, correcting children and helping them decide to calm down are skills and need to be practiced regularly. When we really understand what we are doing when correcting and calming children we become more confident. This step, with it’s new class, will help you become more confident during those hard parenting moments, and help you develop new essential parenting skills.
In this step we talk about:
- Doing a proper correction with calm voice tone
- The Rule of 3
- Soft Hold
- 5 Second Rule
The Battle’s End Class (1:19:13)
Other Segments:
Must Know Information About The Rule of Three (1:07:01)
7 Key Principles for Leadership Families (1:24:48)
The Consequence Is Not Working (6:32)
How to Handle Children in the Car (7:40)
Consistent Consequences (1:30)
Consequences Away From Home (0:32)
Porter Says, “okay” (again)
Back Talking and Attitude Problems
What If They Stay Out of Control Forever?
Do I Treat all parenting situations the same?
Love and Logic vs. Self Government
Three Steps to Improving Communication in any Relationship (In Step 5 Book)
Corrective Teaching/Correction
How to Stop Teasing (In Step 6 Book)
Lying, Stealing, and Negative Attention Seeking
Difficult Children: The Nutrition Cure
Chapters of Parenting A House United To Read: 14, 24, 25, 29, 30
- Each night this week practice correcting three times and the Rule of Three three times with your spouse after the children have gone to bed. These role play practices will give you confidence for upcoming interactions, and prepare you to be calm in heated situations.