Parenting University
This bundle includes just about everything Teaching Self-Government offers at a huge discount!
- TSG Parenting Course Sells for $499
Nicholeen takes you step by step on how to start implementing self-government in your own life, and in your home, in this course. Each lesson is divided up in easy 5-20 minute sections.
Go at your own pace! While we recommend going through from start to finish, you can jump ahead if you feel the need to focus on something, or you can always come back and re-watch these lessons as needed. -
TSG Course Workbook Valued at $20
Our Course Workbook will help guide you along each lesson and module of the course.
Group mentor calls Valued at $800
Included in the TSG Parenting Course, every other week meet via video call with one of our Certified Mentors and other parents to discuss the lessons, modules, skills, and principles covered in your course.
Practice skills, and ask questions on how to implement principles. Share experiences with other parents on what is working, and hear from them in return. - Deep Dive Sells for $499
Nicholeen takes you step by step on how to start implementing self-government in your own life, and in your home, in this course. Each lesson is divided up in easy 5-20 minute sections.
Go at your own pace! While we recommend going through from start to finish, you can jump ahead if you feel the need to focus on something, or you can always come back and re-watch these lessons as needed. - Mentoring Call with Nicholeen Sells for $250
Get personal one-on-one mentoring from Nicholeen Peck herself!
These calls are often most valuable to those who have questions about a specific issue, unique family dynamics, and personal help with implementation, or their own self government and relationship building skills.
This includes one 60-90 minutes (usually going closer to 90 minutes) mentoring phone call and the recording of the call for your future review.
Disclaimer: Nicholeen Peck is not providing psychological, medical or other professionally licensed counseling services and it is recommended that the services of a competent professional should be obtained if licensed advice or counseling is required. - Ongoing Support (6 months FREE) $15.95/month
Get questions answered by Nicholeen on a weekly group call! Submit questions the week before, and get answers every Wednesday morning at 8 am MT.
Also enjoy our Support Call archives, including searchable transcribed questions and answers going back since 2013!
Get 6 months free included in this bundle then just $15.95 a month after. Cancel any time. - Parenting: A House United Sells for $28
Is your home in crisis? Do your children never do what they are told? Do you find yourself completely overwhelmed and hating to interact with your children? Do your children treat you with disrespect and cause contention at home? Are you out of control of your emotions as a parent too?
If any of these descriptions sound like your house, then you might be in crisis and you will definitely benefit from reading this book. It is written for you. This book is also written for people who don‘t want to ever have a home like I have described above and for parents who want to have an effectively communicating family right from the very beginning of parenthood. - Children's Book Package Sells for $57
"Londyn LaRae Says Okay!" is a children's picture book that helps parents teach their children to follow instructions. Little Londyn LaRae just can't seem to say "okay" when her parents and grandparents tell her to do chores or take on responsibilities. She seems to always get distracted in some way or another.
Paije Takes the Stage teaches children the principle of disagreeing appropriately. This is a principle mentioned in each of the other books in the "Teaching Self-Government: Four Basic Skills" four-book children's series, but is explored more in depth in this book. What is disagreeing appropriately? Just ask eight-year-old Paije.
Ten-year-old Quin has a problem not being able to accept consequences. He doesn't think things are his fault and always looks for someone else to blame. When he earns natural or synthetic consequences, like extra chores, he doesn't stay calm. He yells, pouts and can't drop the subject. If there is a key lesson in learning self-government, it is this skill — learning to accept consequences.
Children don't like hearing "no" when they ask for something, but it is a normal part of life. Many children whine, pout and get angry when they don't get their way. These negative actions can have a significant impact on a family’s well-being. Lovingly teaching children how to accept "no" answers is a vital part of creating happiness in the home. Once a child understands how to appropriately accept "no" answers, they become more confident, less anxious, more connected to family and much happier. - Journal Package Sells for $56
The Family Meeting Journal is an integrated part of the Teaching Self-Government family system. Writing in the journal to prepare for and take notes during family meetings will help keep you on track to creating a more united family.
This Mentoring Journal book facilitates mentor sessions with your children — an integrated part of the Teaching Self-Government family system.
This S.O.D.A.S Journal, an important part of the Teaching Self-Government family system, includes a very basic review of using S.O.D.A.S for problem-solving training, practice ideas and many blank pages for practicing the skills described.
The Couples Meeting Journal is used with the Family Meeting Journal and Mentoring Journal as integrated parts of the Teaching Self-Government family system. - Roles Sells for $20
Roles. They define our rights, obligations, responsibilities, beliefs, and even who we are. How well do we each understand our respective roles? How do we teach our children about proper roles? How would the problems children and parents face change if they better understood roles?
Aren’t parents whether aggressive, passive or assertive always defining roles anyway? How do roles effect business relationships? Why do we see the roles in today’s world wrapped around so much confusion and debate when it’s impossible to escape roles? This book (published in 2016) makes roles easier to understand, and it shows how to strengthen roles and empower ourselves and those we live and work with to reach our full potentials. - Choices Map & Cue Cards Valued at $10
If you are familiar with the Teaching Self-Government structure of choices and consequences, then this Choices Map will help you keep your mind clear as you work to implement this system in your home. The value of having a visual to work from when needing to know what comes next has been impactful for many parents.
When I did foster care, I had a hard time remembering the new vocabulary I was required to use to help these troubled youth, so I made some cue cards to help myself. When I first started teaching people the language of self-government and I saw them struggling to remember the new words, I remembered how much cue cards had helped me in the past. For a few years now, we have offered cue cards for people to purchase at conferences and have had some basic downloads on the site as part of the Implementation Course. - A bundle of digital bonuses Valued at $160
These bonuses help you better understand or implement the skills and principles of Teaching Self-Government in your home.
Includes: Power of Calm, Value & Mastery of Emotion Webinar, Family Tutorial Course, Parenting Audio Seminar, Training the Heart, Leadership Education at Your House, Overcoming the Urgency Addiction, Starting Your Homeschool Right, Teaching Self Government for Type-A & Type-B Personalities, 5 Social Lessons Every Child Must Know, Improving Home Culture in 15 Minutes!
*Note: Some content is available digitally through our Stream Center, or as a digital download.