Support Calls
This call covers: Loss of privilege’s question. Corrections seeming to hurt Childs identity. Bedtime problems. Foster son visiting family members. Son damaging family property.
This call covers: Religious and Educational goals. Thumb sucking. Making children go to church. Out of control 4 year-olds. Messy rooms.
This call covers: Loss of privilege’s question Fitting needed things into family lifestyle. Letting kids pick activities. Child being picky about clothing. Daily routine. Disagreeing appropriately question.
This call covers: Helicopter parenting. Rule of three question. Children not paying attention during school time. Homeschool co-op. Child not wanting to lose teeth. Child hating calm down spot. Friends not wanting to hang out anymore. Children not being calm while doing extra chores.
This call covers: Staying consistent. Adult children disagreeing with family beliefs. Scholar phase of school. 16 month old children. Teens leaving home for multiple day adventures.
This call covers: Rule of three question. Piano practice question. Medication question. Rule of three and restitution. Manipulation question.
This call covers: Question about calmness. Modesty question. Stewardships question. Trans gender question. Violence 6 year old. Disagree appropriately question. Managing large groups of youth. only child question. Dyslexia question. Chore question. Power struggling question. Question about period clothing.
This call covers: Media taking over binding. tattling VS. reporting. When to do the rule of three. Eating two meals a day. Children talking about LGBTQ issues. Social training question.
This call covers: Feeling to busy as a family. Do I correct every time? Disagreeing appropriately about everything. Children not wanting hugs. Question about therapy. Shy children. ADHD question.
This call covers: Son wanting ignore the situation that just happened. Helping kids learn to write. Toddler biting when he gets frustrated. Feeling love for new members of the family.
This call covers: Kids not wanting to take naps. Toxic diverse situation. Dating age boundaries. Love of learning curriculum. Implementing TSG.
This call covers: Kids not wanting to take naps. Toxic diverse situation. Dating age boundaries. Love of learning curriculum. Implementing TSG.
This call covers: 12 year old trying to controlling siblings. Getting overwhelmed by all the corrections needing to happen. Fun family activities for young children. Unsavory language and characters in books and such. Family standard question. Implementation concerns. Kids sleeping in their own bedroom troubles.
This call covers: School in the summer. Helping toddler stay calm. Child with intense sugar craving. Question about corrections. Major maintenances for older children. Child talking back and interrupting. Child not wanting mom to be home. Helping husband bond better.
This call covers: Question about manipulation and rule if three. Explaining the difference between mother and father roles as a single mom. Getting two different stories about what happened. Using TSG with older children.
This call covers: Electronics during school time. manipulation with chores. Question about disagreeing appropriately after every instruction. Feeling ready for college.
This call covers: Child having tantrums that are not age appropriate. rule of three question. one year old getting annoying and throwing things all the time. Question about apologizing. how to prepare for the future. Question about scholar phase of learning. Movie and game recommendations. Game and movie recommendations. Needing children to be accountable.
This call covers: Husband not wanting to be involved in changes with the family. Improving relationship with children that I’m not allowed to see. How many things to add to family standard. Self government with computer. Holding children in the calm down spot.
This call covers: Helping people stay calm. Improving relationship with children in divorce situation. Struggle putting multiple children to bed at the same time. Wake up time. Child being oppositional about privileges. Meals while homeschooling. Calm down place manipulation. sibling relationships.
This call covers: Being cautions about extended family trips. 18 month old touching things he shouldn’t Helping my child see the value of a degree. Computer control with children. 15 year old power struggling. Child that stutters. What to do during the 24 hours loss of privilege’s. son “not remembering” how to do things. question about narcissisms.