Support Calls
This call covers: 16 Year Old Noncompliance Not Feeling Safe Continuation of 6 Year Old Going Back To School Question From Last Week Make Amends Homeschool
This call covers: Running After Children and Keeping Calm After A Fight and Toys Going Back To School Lying Husband Accepting No Answers And Setting Boundaries 17 year Old Son Screens Book Club helping baby’s accept no answers assisting self discovery.
This call covers: My Nine-Year-Old Daughter Resists Using The Skills: 15 Year Old Daughter Phone Etiquette: Loss of Privileges for 24 Hours: Stress: Homeschool: Meals: Every Single Day Do A Family Canon? Not wanting to control my adult child Activities that don’t involve screens. Screen time.
This call covers: Corrections Single Mom Confused With Roles Chores for certain ages Disagree appropriately question Following through Book Recommendations Fighting And Not Listening Morning Chores Earned The Night Before
This call covers: SODAS Bed-Wetting My Six Year Old Is Using A Baby Voice To Annoy People Sick & Tired of Losing My Calm 3 /yo Success And 9/yo and 11/yo Relationship Calming Down Toddlers; Buying Clothes at Age 12 book recommendations adult role with parents.
This call covers: Separation anxiety in 6yo son Sexual Grooming Our Home Is Too Serious Sibling Love Stay Emotionally Intact In A Storm of Emotions Success Story and Question: I Didn’t Hear You, And Too Much Disagreeing Appropriately wake up time son getting things off his chest
This call covers Tone I will break the cycle Husband Lectures Accepting no as a parent. Phones Earning vs providing extra curricular’s Daughter in New Age Organization Young boys searching things they shouldn’t on google. Children parenting siblings.
This call covers: Son not recognizing his choices have consequences. husband psychologically abusing wife in front of children. Daughter steeling phone and not giving back for hours. Tone question.
Modified rule of three. Having high tolerances. Son wanting father. Children avoiding tasks. Sibling banter.
This call covers: staying consistent while sick. Removing positive consequence. Helping daughter that wants to drop out of college. Letting children sleep in. Child disconnecting while being talked to.
This call covers: Children exploding at parent. Softening negative consequences. Addressing screaming toddlers. Son negative attention seeking continually. Pulling/cleaning teeth question. Going out of control during 24 hours loss of privileges. Raging children. Children earning money in the home. Children not sharing with each other.
This call covers: Rule of three with teeth pulling. Asking for forgiveness instead of permission. Reading to young children. Toddlers screaming to get their way. Children not wanting to learn anything.
This call covers: Tone issues. Child always seeking the next thrill. ADHD question. Maintaining influence in adult children’s lives. calmness and earning chores. Helping children resolve anger. Restitution question.
This call covers: being strong when children are stronger. two children ganging up on younger one. son not trusting me to tell me things. How long to read to children. Taking children to therapy.
This call covers: Child not trying to get back in control. Low tolerances. Major maintenance question. Family members blaming you.
This call covers: Children not wanting to put forth effort. One child disrupting an entire class. Helping children like family work. Rule of three question. Openly communicating with teens. Weaning son of video games. Daughter being sexually groomed.
This call covers: Encouraging kids to get their work done. Engaging and challenging a 6 yeah old with ADHD. Family activities with only one child at home. Children wanting to play at other homes. Oldest child bossing other children around. Children not wanting to participate with other “weird” children. Focusing on TSG for two week. Teens who need attention and validation. 8 year old not wanting to control his emotions. Role of emotion. Increasing attention span. staying calm while others are attention seeking.
This call covers: modified rule of three. When to start rule of three. TSG in public. child wanting to sweep things under the rug. Child disagreeing appropriately EVERY time. Consequences for 2 year old with speech delay. Children following instructions to avoid consequences. Showing compassion but helping adult son improve. Daughter wanting to cut her hair short. Child disrespecting mom. Husband undermining mom.
This call covers: Children feeling like they do more work then other children. Husband hiding addictions. Not knowing what child did what. TSG for teens with ODD. Child going to the bathroom for cleaning time. Child spending super long in bathroom.
This call covers: Children wanting to get paid for chores. Family vision question. Chores while traveling. Soft hold question.