Support Calls
This call covers: * Calming Techniques * Sleep Issues * Feelings * SODAS * Complaints About Not Feeling Loved During Corrections * Accepting No Answers * School Trouble
This call covers: * Staying Calm with Babies and Toddlers * SODAS * Disagreeing Appropriately * Boundaries * Consequences and Corrections * Bathroom “Humor”/Silliness * Being More Strict * Chore and Job Follow-Through * Advice for Bonding * In-Person Visits * ADHD and Sleep Issues
This call covers: * 3-Year-Old Sleep Struggles * Connection and Correction * Anger Management * Not Cooperating with Loss of Privileges * Unity In Marriage Relationship * Consequence For Excessive, Intentional Belching * Homeschooling – Helping oldest Daughter with Patience & Her Role * Any ODD Success Stories? * Parents Divided * Setting Consequences in Advance * Amount of Frustration and Emotions Allowed * Calmly Out of Instructional Control * Dishonest Chores and Skills * Screen Time for Non-Neurotypical Boys
This call covers: Conscious Parenting * Calm Down Spot * Rationale * Pre-teaching Stretching for Hours * Autistic Teen and Making Eye Contact * Tolerances * Dealing With Demand Avoidance * ADHD and Tasks * Promoting Calmness * Additional Consequences While on 24 Hours * Connecting with Other TSG Families * Modified Rule of 3 Disobedience Concern * Reducing TV Time * Tween Emotions * Correcting My Children * Talking Back * Homeschooling and Authoritarian Parenting * Refusal to Use Learned Skills
This call covers: * Mom Feeling Like a Victim * What To Do With Pushback * Toddler Saying “No” * Praising * Sibling Dynamics * Youth Refusing to Embrace TSG Process * Rule of 3 * Fleeing Corrections At The Dinner Table * 8-Year-Old Talking Rude * Consequences Earned While Calming Down * Calmness with Continual Snarkiness * Nearby TSG Families * Tips for “TSG Makes Me A Servant” Attitude * Moody Teen Boy
This call covers: * Failure To Do Earned Chores * Manipulative 9-Year-Old * Rule of Three * Use of the Calm Down Place to Delay a Chore * Power Struggles and Calmness * Not Much Calmness Here * Friendship In The Family * Yelling Teen * Accepting Consequences and Following Instructions for Basic Routine * Pre-Teach Burn-Out * Help with Chore Follow-Through * Frequency of Call Recording Production * Rude Sibling Relationships * Family Economy * Success Story!
This call covers: * Middle School Gossip * Attachment Theory * Homeschool and Family Economy * Retained Primitive Reflexes * Family Dynamics * The Most Important Things To Teach * Yelling to Communicate
This call covers: * Following Instructions at School * Family Economy * Fixation and Dreading School * Correcting When Child is Sick * Education and Scholar Phase * Working on Tone and Handling Reactions to TSG Scripts * Book Recommendations * Time Management and Organization for ADD
This call covers: “Not My Role, But I Want to Help” Emotional Immaturity * Family Economy * The “No” * Following an Instruction Immediately * Bed Time Excuses * Disobedience * Seemingly Chronically Stuck Out of Instructional Control * Rule of 3 Review * Getting Peace In The Home * Accepting Consequences in Anger * Social Training * Getting Son To Wake Up On His Own
This call covers: * Getting Back on Track * Celebrations (Success Stories!) * Family Meeting and Phrases to Eliminate * Rule of 3 * Entitlement, Arrogance, and Gratitude * Unkind Comments * Toddler Discipline/Calm-Down Spot * Age 6 Continuously Losing Privileges * Responsibility for Older Children * Boundaries for Family While Fostering Others
This call covers: * Potty Words * Chores * Blaming * Rejoining Family * Music Sensitivities * Sleep Pattern for 8.5 Year-Old * 3 Year-Old “Testing” Boundaries * Spending Time with My Middle Children (3 & 4 out of 7) * Age 9 Lying * Love Languages with Teens * Getting Back on Track * Encouraging Husband to Be More Involved
This call covers: * Attention Seeking and Family Standard Concerns * Implementation of TSG * Suddenly Angry Teen Boy * Relatives * Family Economy * Defiance * Gentle Parenting versus TSG * Communication * How To Praise When Son Doesn’t Like It * Mercy or Not? * Teen Daughter Using Dating Apps to Meet Men * Consistent Pre-Teaching * Pre-Teach/Prep Seen As A Lecture
This call covers: * Aggression and Law Enforcement * Clarifying Question from last week * Arguing with Nanny * Connecting As a Family (with codependency issues) * Discouragement * Refusing to Do Anything * Mom Needs Space * Bedtime, Modified Rule of 3, How to Navigate a Crawling Baby
This call covers: * Stuffing Emotions * Lying * Negative Consequences For 7-year-old * Accepting No Answers on Trips * Staying On Task * Annoyed Child * Marriage Re-engagement * Productive Children During Christmas * Boundaries with High School Senior * Zen Patches * Feeling Like a Hypocrite * Understanding the Principle of Giving Back
This call covers: * Accepting a Consequence * Rule of 3 * Vision and Mission Statement * Teen Outbursts * Resentment and Change of Heart * Marriage/Motivation * Violent During Calm Down * Addressing Daughter’s Puberty Changes * Disagree Appropriately Rationale * Help for Crisis with Oldest Child
This call covers: * Entitled, Controlling, Victim, Attention Seeking Behavior * Different Sensory Needs in One Family * Bickering * Adult Children Responsibilities At Home * Where To Start * Condescending and Controlling Son * Attitude Problem * Role of a Grandparent * Thanksgiving Success Story
This call covers: * Girl’s Body Development * Being Overwhelmed and Finding “True Calm” * Mentoring Session * School Avoidance and Threatening * Practicing to NOT do Negative Behaviors * Chores and SODAS * Where to Start * Homeschooling * Technology and Internet * Snarkiness * Sibling Relationships * Toddlers and Skills
This call covers: * 4 Skills with Older Children * Disagreeing Appropriately: Siblings * Homeschool While Depressed * Domineering Oldest Child * Daughter with Phobias * Quotes about Courage * Impulsive Teen Son * Path to Media Privileges * Using and Pre-teaching Skills and Boundaries Outside the Home/With Visitors
This call covers: *Impressionable Youth *What to do After Corrections *Bean Jar Success Story! *Self-Government and Extreme Manipulation *Calm Down Spot *Responsibility to Parents As An Adult *”Day In the Future” Family Activity *Family Mission Statement *Adult Child with No Motivation to Move Forward with Life *Children Threatening to Run Away *Self-Confident Daughter *Self-Government with Getting Sleep *Tolerance of Silliness *Making Bedtime Quicker
This call covers: *Talking all the time! *Toxic Ex Husband *Yelling and Belittling *Self-Government and Homeschool High School *Rule of 3 *Disagreeing Appropriately *Sisters pushing each others’ buttons *Three-step Praise *Near-Adult Disobedience and Rebellion