Support Calls
This Call Covers: How to create a solid and wholesome family culture Some questions about children’s behavior during extra chore time
This Call Covers: How to help children who are compulsive liars Ways to show compassion without coddling your children Dealing with anxiety in small children Helping a child overcome swearing and backtalk Fun Games for the whole family! Dealing with calm down spot infractions/staying calm yourself
This Call Covers: What a TSG bedtime looks like When is it ok to micromanage? Helping children with potty training Using the modified rule of three Disciplining yourself during pregnancy
This Call Covers: Helping young children accept no answers How to help an extremely independent child stay in instructional control Dealing with very obstinate children Creating an inspring home atmosphere for your children What to do when one sibling acts in open contempt towards another Helping young children genuinely calm down
This Call Covers: How to help high-energy children interact with each other and not get hurt How long/often you should hold your child in the calm down spot Giving very tired children consequences and corrections. How to deal with excuses. Helping children reach economic goals Stopping children from stealing food. How to balance homeschool and housework
This Call Covers: How to help a child overcome an eating disorder. Fun holiday ideas to do as a family.
This Call Covers: Helping strong willed children accept self government Helping children not give in to peer pressure Correcting immodest dress in your home Correcting crying in small children Getting a spouse on board with TSG Helping Children be more focused Increasing self worth in children
This Call Covers: Helping someone calm down without power struggling Do parents get consequences? Enforcing an already broken family standard rule Helping children to have clean language Adjusting time limits for people who break the rules often
This Call Covers: Helping children feel comfortable confessing Babysitting and TSG Inconsistency in the Children’s books? TSG and emotions When is too early to start the rule of three? Dealing with sexual harassment and abuse Extra chores at bedtime Helping Toddlers understand no answers
This Call Covers: Staying calm when the children are fighting. Dealing with teenager attitude problems Bedtime with children sharing a room Disabilities and bad behavior. Having a personal calm down plan Helping children with laundry Overcoming shyness Children who are violent
This Call Covers: Picky eaters syndrome! Time Management for parents The proper times to use 24 hour loss of privliges Compulsive lying
This Call Covers: Children still earning lots of extra chores Parental influence on child’s behaviors Teaching sensitive children Using exercise as a negative consequence Implementing TSG as a whole family Dealing with allergies AND picky eaters
This Call Covers: Dealing with suicidal behaviors in children How to help children be calm in public places/situations Betime manipulation The consumerism parenting ideology, and how to avoid it Children manipulating parents Proper way to disagree appropriately
This Call Covers: How to help children “bust” their boredom Dealing with perfectionism Making a mission Statement Helping children to stop fighting with each other
This Call Covers: Getting older children to plan for the rest of their life Motivating young children with items or rewards Consistency in tone Toddlers seeking attention
This Call Covers: A discussion on Shakespeare and Self-Government Time out Stopping littering Stopping negativity in teenagers
This Call Covers: How to deal with friends having different values at your home Children who scratch How to help children who are rude and disrespectful Correcting strong willed children
This Call Covers: A discussion of the effects and paradigm of the gaming world What to do when you are adopting a child and they are being rebellious How to help your children focus when it’s cleaning time Dealing with picky eaters
This Call Covers: How to teach a child that is not your own how to behave in public Helping your child become inspired to transfer into a scholar phase Helping your children become calm before and during the rule of three
This Call Covers: Dealing with rebellous teenagers w/ self-esteem issues. Teaching children about proper socialization Bedtime Antics Adult relatives judging differences in parenting Consistency struggles