Support Calls
This Call Covers: Telling children about addoption heping children learn restitution sticking to a schedule helping children get calm during the rule of three
This Call Covers: Helping children become less critical of others Stopping children from becoming voilent Keeping children on task who struggle with focusing
This Call Covers: Dealing with other adults who want to correct your children Helping children overcome perfectionism Stopping manipulation on time out Being assertive as parents
This Call Covers: Potty training issues Helping children use self-government with each other. Calming techniques Dealing with the gay issues at church.
This Call Covers: Talking with teenagers who don’t want to talk Helping children not manipulate while on time out Sleep training with young children
This Call Covers: Helping young children accept consequences Dealing with super stubborn children
This Call Covers: Helping a young child with a computer addiciton Rebuilding a relationship with a rebellious teen How to truly master the TSG skills
This Call Covers: Helping younger children understand the TSG skills Dealing with children after daycare Helping a child to reconnect with the family
This Call Covers: dealing with cousins with different values helping a child who is prone to lots of touching giving reasons for corrections
This Call Covers: Helping husbands develop more self government skills How to help children not power struggle while disagreeing appropriately Dealing with bullies Stoping children who struggle with being violent Restitution and correction of stealing
This Call Covers: Giving children allowances Dealing with young children’s behavior in a growing family How to help a power-struggling child
This Call Covers: Helping someone parent children with autism/aspergers Determining if a child should play at another friend’s house Being consistent in the TSG implementation Do you have to know everything before you implement? Keeping a good tone all the time
This Call Covers: Helping a child who chooses violence instead of accepting a consequence/no answer Promoting focus in young children, especially those with mental impairments Recommended books for familes TSG with really young children Teaching young boys about the proper use of violence and force.
This Call Covers: What to do when a friend’s family completely disrespects you in your own home. Helping out a stubborn child Dealing with laundry problems A computer addiction in a child
This Call Covers: Helping out with parent calmness Does TSG promote abuse and vulnerability? Dealing with lying children who threaten to run away Helping a child who is prone to breaking things
This Call Covers: Teaching children not to be judgemental Dealing with anger management issues Helping you maintain your patience when you’re running thin
This Call Covers: Learning Self-Government in a oppositional environment Discerning if someone is actually calm Dealing with an adolecent media addiction ADHD and routines
This Call Covers: How to create a solid and wholesome family culture Some questions about children’s behavior during extra chore time
This Call Covers: How to help children who are compulsive liars Ways to show compassion without coddling your children Dealing with anxiety in small children Helping a child overcome swearing and backtalk Fun Games for the whole family! Dealing with calm down spot infractions/staying calm yourself
This Call Covers: What a TSG bedtime looks like When is it ok to micromanage? Helping children with potty training Using the modified rule of three Disciplining yourself during pregnancy