Support Call Archive
This call covers:
* ODD/ADHD Reactions
* Tantrum
* Role of Parents in Child’s Career Choice
* Toddler Defiance
* Teen Refusing to Be Taught
* Bedtime Routine: 8yo Daughter Not Following Instruction
* Grandmother Giving Advice
This call covers:
* Rule of 3
* Teen Wants to Leave Home
* Analyzing Through My TSG Lenses
* Too Many Corrections?
* Lack of Warmth
* How To Not Care So Much
* Scope Mission Statement for Young Family
This call covers:
* Balancing Time with Other Family Members when Toughest Child is Out of Instructional Control and Negative Attention Seeking
* Family Meeting Interruptions
* Daughter Doesn’t Want to be Calm
* Dealing with Unwanted Hugs for Disabled
* Hitting and Anger
* How to Handle Son’s Behavior of Running
* Rule of 3
* Managing my Children’s Time
* Corrections
* ADD – Medicate or not?
* Assertiveness
* Threatening To Not Go To School To Manipulate
* Jobs and Small Children Fighting
This call covers:
* Rule of 3
* Teen Teasing Toddler
* Follow Up from Question Answered on 18 December 2024
* Extra chores when Visitors Come
* Dealing with A Difficult Husband
* After Rule of 3
* Adoptive Child who is Narcissistic and Violent
* Post Dinner Clean up & Sleep
* Walking Away During Instruction
* Teaching Calmness
* Using TSG
This call covers:
* Oppositional 3-Year-Old
* Correction Before Rule of Three
* Implementation Consequences
* Various Tech Rules that Work for Youth
* Keeping Kids In Their Room
* When Kids Lie
* Modifying with Modern Progressive Parent, trying not to Scare Them Off as They Slowly Open Up to TSG!
* Rule of 3 For Teens
* Implementing TSG and Threats
* Parents Supporting/Guiding Each Other in The Moment
* Bedtime Woes with 4-Year-Old
* Child Won't Accept or Receive any Teaching From Parents
* 20-Year-Old Son Living With Girlfriend
This call covers:
* Father Being Favored for Calming Down
* Angry 14-Year-Old
* Teen with Fairly Close Relationship with Parents
* TSG Use
* Can TSG Be Used for Adult Children?
* Recommendation for Disciplining a 2-Year-Old
* Child Not Responding and Not Wanting to Answer
* Chore Consequences for Strong-Willed 3-Year-Old
This call covers:
* Managing Siblings
* Stolen Chocolate
* Soft Hold
* Difficulty in Getting Daughter Dressed for School
* Homeschool
* Parenting Adults
* Grasping Cause & Effect
* Wedges
* Finding a balance with letting modern progressive Mom take over some discipline and instructions, and having TSG consistency with kids
* Inappropriate Cousin Behaviors
* Calm Down Spot for Destructive Child
This call covers:
* Attitude Towards Sibling
* Pretending to be Sick
* Daughter Struggling with Friendships at School
* Young Child Swearing
* Modern Progressive Mom Overriding Consequences and Giving Privileges Back
* Constant Rule Breaking
* Low Self-Esteem, Disobedience and Hitting
* Path of Least Resistance
* 4-Year-Old Lying
* Last Word, Kids Turning the Tables, and TSG
* Tween Tantrums
This call covers:
* Discouragement, Low Self-Esteem and Easily Giving Up
* Neurodivergent Daughter Loves the Rule of Three!
* Other Kids Suffering because of One Child
* Latest Questions being Pondered by a Questioner
* Disciplining A Toddler
* Accepting Consequences
* Consequence Away from Home
* Emotional Parent
* Rule of Three Multiple Times A Week
* Multiple Children Out Of Control at the Same Time
Support Call 12-04-2024