Support Calls
This call covers: Socially balancing children. thoughts on colleges and how to pick one. Children out of instructional control for a long time, and often. staging calm in the middle of the night when kids wake up. Help with setting a lot of goals all at the same time. out of control children who are damaging property. preparing children for college.
This call covers: how to address self pleasure. Adult children claiming TSG is abuse. Thinking your 11 year old is overeating. Helping child with self harm. how to address when other people are gossiping. interrupting during a correction.
This call covers: Transitioning out of a soft hold. finding a balance with Covid rules. Talking about death, and how much to tell. social struggles when deciding to move. Excessive disagreeing appropriately.
This call convers: Finding values without religion. toys and play boundaries. what young men need socially. keeping yourself calm.
This call covers: How to handle adult brother visiting Developing a habit of praise. Getting calm. 2 year old negative attention seeking. Children getting off track during study time. Major maintenance and school management. Help staying happy. ODD versus strong willed.
This call covers: Knowing when children need their own room/space. When a child should be having less consequences. Time spent outside the home. Work versus play for young children. what to do when you weren’t in the room for a fight. Help teaching empathy and belief in god to children with autism. what’s included in the Peck cannon. how to bring up problems with adult aged children.
This call covers: Boundaries with 4year olds The sex talk Disagreeing appropriately with siblings homeschool schedule Staying with children at the calm down spot Adult child influencing other children in a way not wanted picking teachers for children helping young child learn to accept “no” without falling apart
This call covers: wanting peace Not following instructions in public how much school time should my 7 year old be doing a day? Motivating family to keep things clean online school and college in high school. selfish 18 year old son. sour attitude.
This call covers: Book lists. Helping 2 year old stay clam. Having a comfort object in calm down time. bottling emotions. Does TSG cause this? SODAS as a consequence. Tantrums at the store. Being in the room while children go to bed. Helping children choose self control. Homeschool vs. public school. Helping children see the good of SODAS. Teens getting a job. Timing of disagree appropriately. Relationships with children getting worse after TSG. Helping kids become better workers. understood instruction so speak a certain language for the day.
This call covers: Child finding friend annoying, teaching social skills. Practicing skill with children regularly. Motivating my 15 year with his school. Homeschooling young children. Praising effectively. Husband pulling children into gaming.
this call covers: College prep for kids in high school (homeschool) sleep independence for 4 year old. non religious morning cannon and finding truth. close look at scholar phase. TJED homeschool help. becoming a certified mentor. play time with destructive 2 year old. Family reading time. encouraging listening behaviors what kids to give attention to first when they all want it. there is not enough time and i think I’m failing.
This call covers: Helping children get calm. Creating set no answers. Helping children remembering to check back. Homeschooling methods and fears. Explaining set no answers (making messes and cleaning them up) to children. setting boundaries with teens who have boyfriends, and older siblings roles. husband having anger problems. Family meeting troubles. Teaching toddlers TSG. Building trust with technology. Helping children recognize emotions V.S feelings. constantly nagging children. feeling hopeless about your family.
This call covers: Pre-teaching concepts before implementing them. Mentor meeting suggestions. Siblings hating each other. Rule of three for strong willed child. Pre-teaching big changes. Finding motivation to stick with TSG.
This call covers: Media addiction. Rule if three transition. practical intelligence. bed time rough housing. disagreeing appropriately problems. Nap time. compounding chores. negative attention seeking about skin. talking to children about future relationship with family. pointers on seeking to understand. when to start rule of three. game motivation.
This call covers: TSG for a 4 year old. Teaching kids to structure time. Comparing children to their siblings. Implementing new things. What to do when a child is obviously out of control. Should i apologize to my child? Adult child disconnecting from family. How to help adult child with TSG. Husband’s lack of commitment and principles. Husband not wanting to connect with family.
This call covers: calm down time and modified rule of three angry young children. twins competing for attentions and boundaries. child seems calm but is not. doing school with music. things to do in winter with Covid.
This call covers: Passive instruction giving. husband and son arguing. Daughter lying and sneaking out. calm down spot escape. setting good expectations. good bonding. Bad attitude about TSG. knowing when to use the rule of three.
This call covers: Speaking through emotion with self government. Giving your child to much control in your home. Calm down time. Follow thought help. knowing when to trust my kids. pre teaching in the rule of three.
This call covers: Overcoming lying. Children deliberately peeing their pants Using rule of three for whining. The sex talk. Stealing candy from siblings. Son continually peeing himself and he know it. Trusting kids and media use.
This call covers: Husband and wife relation ship and TSG. 13 your old son doesn’t want to go to activities. 16 year old daughter appears to accept out rules but then steals phone after hours. teaching children about roles. Improving sibling relationships.