Support Call Archive

Support Call 7-26-2023

This call covers: * Initial Response To Negative Behavior * ODD & Therapy * Audiobook Recommendations * Jealousy * Dealing With Negative Emotions In A Healthy Way * Teens Bossing Parents * Feeling Hopeless * Kids Annoying Each Other On Purpose * ODD in Adults

Support Call 7-19-2023

This call covers: * Trauma * Toddler Accepting a No Answer * Family Travel Contention * SODAS Solution: Debrief/Notes * Screaming * Handling Rough Teachers/Instructors * Arguments * Corrections Clarification * Rule of 3 for Children Younger Than Age 7 * Toddler Physical Aggression * Morning Routine Disobedience

Support Call 7-12-2023

This call covers: * Breaking A Bad Habit * SODAS Taking Forever * Confusion with Praise * Help with No Answers * Writing Dilemma * Doubts with Sending Young Men to College * Synthetic Consequences and Time Management

Support Call 7-05-2023

This call covers: * Suppressing Emotions & Dealing With Disappointment * Praising Calmness with Sensitive Children * Storming Off During A Teaching Interaction * Specific Wording for the Rule of 3 * 18-Year-Old Who Won't Accept Guidance

Support Call 6-28-2023

This call covers: * Whining Requests * Interrupting * Self Correction * Daughter's Relationships * Professional Counseling * Finding Internal Peace * Cars for Teens * Self-Government Vs Punishment * Success Story!

Support Call 6-21-2023

This call covers: * Misbehavior While On The Phone * Summer Schedule * 24-Hour Loss of Privileges Takes the Whole Day * Success Story! Age 4 and Disagreeing Appropriately * No Answers VS. Disagreeing Appropriately * Teaching Disagreeing Appropriately to Young Children * Teenage Sibling Bossy When Babysitting * Husband Not Calm * Role Playing "No" Answers and Corrections * Daughter Afraid of Mother When Her Bedroom is Messy * Age 7 Finds Joy in Blatant Disobedience & Age 10 is Bossy When Playing With Younger Siblings

Support Call 6-14-2023

This content is only available to members.

Support Call 6-07-2023

This call covers: * School in the Summer * Loss of Privileges for Aggression * Scheduling School in the Summer * Setting Clear Expectations * Addressing Extreme Statements * Educational Goals * Balance with Disagree Appropriately Skill * Wake up Time in the Summer * Inappropriate Activities for Aged 13 Daughter * Daughter Pretends To Not Hear Parents * Phases of Learning

Support Call 5-31-2023

This call covers: * Some Wins and Gratitude * Silly Boys In The Evenings * OCD and TSG * Potty Training Regression * Desperate For Help * Corrections * Son Being Teachable * Teen Locks Self In Room When Getting No Answer * SODAS * Biting And Other Hurtful Behavior * Potty Training * School in the Summer * Using Bedroom to Get Calm * Teaching Appearance and Manners * College Transition with Anxiety * Saying, "I love you"

Support Call 5-24-2023

This call covers: * Starting With Senior In High School * Sisters Relationship and Marriage Balance * Corrections * Connection With Teen In Car * Dishonesty * Skill: Following Instructions * Rule of 3 With Older Youth * 3 Year Old Tantrums * Self-Reporting * Homeschool * Toddlers * Power Struggling with Corrections * Withdrawing Privileges * Narcissistic Teen Girl * Family Canon

