Support Call Archive

Support Call 10-04-2023

This call covers: *Enforcing Routines (continued from last week) *16 Year Old Fitting in Jobs and Sports *Appropriate TSG expectations for 4 1/2 year old *Special Consequences for Major Behavior Issues *Son Who Likes To Control And Rebel *Lying, Mischievous 8-Year-Old Son

Support Call 9-27-2023

This call covers: Self Pity Age 16 Daughter Getting Boys' Numbers 13-Month Old Tantrums Extreme Anxiety in 11-Year-Old Foster Daughter’s Incessant Apologizing Confusion with Correcting How to Tactfully Tell Other Parents What They’re Doing Wrong Disagreeing Appropriately Obsessive Confessing 7 yr old not able to follow instructions immediately Lying Enforcing routines AND birthday celebration ideas

Support Call 9-20-2023

This call covers: * Step child * Son Struggling to Focus * Fighting Over Sleeping with Mom and Dad * 12-Year-Old Claiming to Be Bisexual * 15-Year-Old Son is Out of Control * Fairness * Teaching Daughter To Express Herself * Fear of Upsetting Strong-Willed Teen Daughter * Spouse Bringing Phone to Family Reading Time

Support Call 9-13-2023

This call covers: *Failures: Public School vs Homeschool *TSG in Sunday School *Personality Disorder Within The Family *English/Grammar *Faking Happiness When Out of Control *Making Homeschool More Engaging (High-Energy Children) *Struggling to Drop the Subject *Homeschooling and Narcissistic Home Culture

Support Call 9-06-2023

This call covers: * Unkind Children Causing Bickering To Happen * Attending Service As A Family and Family Activities * Allowances * Teen Boy: Divorce, Devices, and Deceit * Afraid to Tell Something Important * Autism Spectrum and TSG * Success Story: Governing with Games * Meltdown Due To Hunger * Overwhelm with Hearing/Deaf Blended Family * Step-mom Doing TSG with ADHD Stepson

Support Call 8-30-2023

This call covers: * Rule of Three clarification * Frustration With the Word “Wait!” * Report Paper and Handwriting * "You Make Me”… Phrasing * Consequences and Job Jar * Disagreeing Appropriately for EVERYTHING! * Triggered by Lying

Support Call 8-23-2023

This call covers: * Calming Down Before the Rule of 3 * Success Story * Loss of Privileges * Running Away (parent counseling session mini class) * Working With Autism and ODD * What Comes First: Parent Skills or Children Skills? * Social Skills * Pre-teen Root Issues Causing Behaviors * Discomfort with Physical Affection of Peers in Public * Help with Following Instructions

Support Call 8-16-2023

This call covers: * Co-Op * What to do with the popular child * My 16 Year Old Hates School * Yelling for a long time in calm down spot * Clean Home * "No" Answers for Parents * How To Quit Thumb-Sucking Behavior * Running Away * Success Stories!

Support Call 8-09-2023

This call covers: * Major House Rule Broken * Challenges With The Calm Down Spot * Porn and Stealing * Continual Disruptions From 15 Year Old * Leaving Property Without Consent * Family Prayer & Scriptures and TSG * Calming Techniques * Homeschool Child’s Concentration * Bad Bedtime Behaviors * Seizures, Homeschool, and Overwhelm * Socially Motivated Teen Boy

Support Call 8-02-2023

This call covers: * Getting Started With TSG * Oppositional Defiance Tendencies * Accepting No Answers * Aggressive 2 Year Old Boy * Thumb Sucking * Toddlers Again * Discussing Book Choices

