Support Call Archive

Support Call 12-13-2023

This call covers: * Stuffing Emotions * Lying * Negative Consequences For 7-year-old * Accepting No Answers on Trips * Staying On Task * Annoyed Child * Marriage Re-engagement * Productive Children During Christmas * Boundaries with High School Senior * Zen Patches * Feeling Like a Hypocrite * Understanding the Principle of Giving Back

Support Call 12-06-2023

This call covers: * Accepting a Consequence * Rule of 3 * Vision and Mission Statement * Teen Outbursts * Resentment and Change of Heart * Marriage/Motivation * Violent During Calm Down * Addressing Daughter's Puberty Changes * Disagree Appropriately Rationale * Help for Crisis with Oldest Child

Support Call 11-29-2023

This call covers: * Entitled, Controlling, Victim, Attention Seeking Behavior * Different Sensory Needs in One Family * Bickering * Adult Children Responsibilities At Home * Where To Start * Condescending and Controlling Son * Attitude Problem * Role of a Grandparent * Thanksgiving Success Story

Support Call 11-22-2023

This call covers: * Girl's Body Development * Being Overwhelmed and Finding "True Calm" * Mentoring Session * School Avoidance and Threatening * Practicing to NOT do Negative Behaviors * Chores and SODAS * Where to Start * Homeschooling * Technology and Internet * Snarkiness * Sibling Relationships * Toddlers and Skills

Support Call 11-15-2023

This call covers: * 4 Skills with Older Children * Disagreeing Appropriately: Siblings * Homeschool While Depressed * Domineering Oldest Child * Daughter with Phobias * Quotes about Courage * Impulsive Teen Son * Path to Media Privileges * Using and Pre-teaching Skills and Boundaries Outside the Home/With Visitors

Support Call 11-08-2023

This call covers: *Impressionable Youth *What to do After Corrections *Bean Jar Success Story! *Self-Government and Extreme Manipulation *Calm Down Spot *Responsibility to Parents As An Adult *"Day In the Future" Family Activity *Family Mission Statement *Adult Child with No Motivation to Move Forward with Life *Children Threatening to Run Away *Self-Confident Daughter *Self-Government with Getting Sleep *Tolerance of Silliness *Making Bedtime Quicker

Support Call 11-01-2023

This call covers: *Talking all the time! *Toxic Ex Husband *Yelling and Belittling *Self-Government and Homeschool High School *Rule of 3 *Disagreeing Appropriately *Sisters pushing each others' buttons *Three-step Praise *Near-Adult Disobedience and Rebellion

Support Call 10-25-2023

This call covers: *Fights During Family Meetings *Do I Stop Homeschooling? *Rule of 3 *Older Children Owning Their Behaviors *TSG Beginners! *Children Excluding Other Children *Physical Violence *Parent Counseling Session VS Mentoring Session *Sixth Grade Son Not Recognizing His Own Responsibilities *Children Don't Like TSG Language *Success Story!

Support Call 10-18-2023

This call covers: *Balance during Scholar Phase *Using Disagreeing Appropriately in Adult Interactions *Doing the Consequence *Power Struggle at age 4 *TSG Motivation *Out of Control 6-year-old *Son Misbehaving in Homeschool Group *Step Son with ODD, ADHD, and Autism *Keeping Family High Priority While Starting New Business *Thumb Sucking Problem

Support Call 10-11-2023

This call covers: *Teenage Lack of Empathy *Scholar Phase *Story Book Quilt

